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How Collateral Impacts Your Chances of Securing Small Business Financing

Getting a traditional bank loan for your small business often requires pledging some type of collateral. The assets you can offer as collateral directly affect your likelihood of getting approved as well as the loan terms. For entrepreneurs with limited collateral, the path to financing can be filled with obstacles. Fortunately, alternative lenders like New Bridge Merchant Capital offer options tailored for small businesses, even those with minimal collateral.

Key Takeaways

Is a small business loan secured or unsecured?

What is Collateral and Why Do Lenders Require It?

Collateral represents business or personal assets that a borrower pledges to the lender to secure a loan. Common types of collateral include real estate, equipment, accounts receivable, inventory, and vehicles.

Lenders require collateral to reduce their risk on a loan. If the borrower defaults, the lender can seize the pledged collateral and sell it to recover their losses. This provides them a safety net.

For small business owners seeking financing, the collateral requirement often presents a major hurdle. But why is collateral so crucial for approval?

More Collateral Means Better Loan Approval Odds

The more substantial and valuable the collateral you can provide, the better your chances of getting a loan. Strong collateral signals to the lender that you have meaningful assets to leverage if the business struggles and you can’t repay the loan through regular cash flow.

With substantial collateral pledged, the lender’s risk decreases significantly. As a result, they are more willing to approve your loan request and can offer you better terms like lower interest rates.

The Challenges of Limited Collateral

Many small and early-stage businesses lack extensive real estate, equipment, or other assets to pledge. Without solid collateral, lenders view these loans as high-risk.

Minimal collateral leads to a higher likelihood of loan denial. Even if approved, the terms are usually unfavorable with higher interest rates or fees.

The collateral requirement creates a frustrating paradox – the small businesses that most need financing have the hardest time obtaining it.

Alternative Paths For Undercollateralized Small Businesses

If your business has limited collateral, don’t lose hope. There are alternative paths to get the funding you need:

  • Seek out lenders offering low or no collateral small business loans
    • Some institutions like community banks are more flexible on collateral requirements for loans under $150,000.
  • Get creative with your existing assets
    • Inventory, accounts receivable, and equipment could potentially be used even if their resale value is limited.
  • Explore merchant cash advances
    • This alternative financing option doesn’t rely on collateral. Instead, repayments are taken as a percentage of your future card sales.
  • Partner with New Bridge Merchant Capital
    • Their customized financing solutions are designed to get capital to undercollateralized small businesses in New Jersey.


Collateral Type
Impact on Loan Approval
Real Estate Strong collateral, improves approval odds
Equipment Can improve approval chances if assets retain value
Accounts Receivable Useful collateral but can be hard to sell if defaulted
Inventory Limited value depending on products and sellability
No/Limited Collateral Much lower approval odds for conventional loans

New Bridge Merchant Capital: Financing For Your Business

New Bridge Merchant Capital understands the challenges faced by small business owners with limited collateral. That’s why they provide alternative lending solutions beyond conventional bank loans.

Their options like merchant cash advances require little to no collateral for approval. There are also no personal credit checks. Repayment comes from a fixed percentage of your future card receivables.

New Bridge makes the process fast and simple. Get approved in minutes and funded in as little as 24 hours. Their experts will craft customized financing terms tailored to your business needs and revenue streams.

Don’t let lack of collateral derail your small business growth. Partner with New Bridge Merchant Capital to unlock the capital you need to take your business to the next level.

  • What are some examples of small business loan collateral?
    • Typical collateral includes real estate, equipment, accounts receivable, inventory, and vehicles.
  • What if I don’t have any assets to use as collateral?
    • Consider alternative options like merchant cash advances from New Bridge that rely less on collateral.
  • Does collateral guarantee my business loan will be approved?
    • Collateral improves approval chances but does not guarantee approval. Lenders still evaluate your overall ability to repay.
  • How quickly can I get financing from New Bridge Merchant Capital?
    • New Bridge can approve your application in minutes and fund as soon as 24 hours.
  • What documents do I need to apply for a merchant cash advance?
    • Quick online application, recent bank statements, credit card processor statements, and photo ID.

Work With a Leading Commercial Lender

At NewBridge Capital Solutions, our loan products can help businesses of all sizes. With our exceptional customer service and reputable funding, we have become a trusted leader in the commercial finance industry. If you want to apply for a term loan that can provide working capital for your business, make sure to contact us.
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