Easy Application Process For Small Business Loans—A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you a small business owner seeking the financial fuel to propel your venture to new heights? If so, then understanding small business loans and how to apply for them is crucial. In this step-by-step guide, small business loans and the application process will be demystified. With knowledge of your business loan options and insight about how to fill out a business loan application, you will feel less inclined to rush and will be able to position yourself for quick approval and success.


What to Know About Small Business Loans

Small business loans are the lifeblood of many entrepreneurial dreams. They serve as a vital source of working capital, allowing businesses to stay afloat, invest in growth, and ride out those inevitable cash flow fluctuations. When it comes to these loans, you’ll find a diverse array of options to explore, each tailored to meet the specific needs of businesses like yours. The most common choices include Small Business Administration (SBA) loans, term loans, and business lines of credit.


Let’s take a more in-depth look at some of these options:


Small Business Administration (SBA) Loans

SBA loans are government-backed loans designed to help small businesses access financing with favorable terms. These loans come in various forms, including 7(a) loans (general purpose loans), CDC/504 loans (for real estate and equipment purchases), and microloans (smaller loans). SBA loans are a decent option because they typically offer competitive interest rates and longer repayment terms.


Business Lines of Credit

Business lines of credit provide you with a revolving credit limit that you can draw from as needed. They are flexible and can be used for managing cash flow, covering short-term expenses, or taking advantage of opportunities. Similar to a credit card, you only pay the interest on the amount that you used.


Term Loans

Term loans are traditional loans where you borrow a lump sum of money and repay it over a set term with regular installments. You can use term loans for various purposes, such as expanding your store or giving yourself some working capital. Terms can range from a few months to several years, with fixed or variable interest rates.


Merchant Cash Advances

Merchant cash advances (MCAs) provide your business with quick access to cash, but they may come at a higher cost. Being that they are based off your daily credit card sales, MCA repayments are generally a percentage of said credit card sales.


Equipment Financing

Equipment financing loans are used to purchase machinery, vehicles, or other equipment for your business. The equipment being financed serves as collateral, making these loans more accessible and offering favorable terms.


5 Steps for an Easy Application Process for Small Business Loans

Now let’s take a look at the five steps needed to secure your ideal business loan and help it thrive.


Step 1: Define Your Loan’s Purpose

As with any journey, be it personal or business, it is always wise to chart your course first. This thinking also applies to securing a small business loan. Define the exact purpose of the funds you seek. Clear, concise planning not only sharpens your focus but also equips you with a robust blueprint for your business’s financial future. Whether it’s bolstering your inventory, expanding your operations, or investing in new equipment, a well-thought-out plan will be your North Star throughout this journey.


Step 2: Selecting the Loan Type and Amount

Small business loans are like tools in a toolbox, each designed for a specific job. One of the most important gauges for these tools is the APR (Annual Percentage Rate) – it’s your true indicator of the loan’s overall cost.


You should also select a loan based on your business. For emerging businesses, options like lines of credit and term loans are more accessible than merchant cash advances and SBA loans. The downside to using lines of credit is the higher interest rate.


For an established business, you have a bit more options. Since you have already proven your stability and credit history, you receive the benefit of lower interest loans or longer loan terms. Options like SBA loans, business credit cards, merchant cash advances, and a variety of term loans are available.


If you are unsure about which loan types are ideal for your small business, consider getting in touch with a local small business loan lender like New Bridge Merchant Capital to see what may work best for you.


Step 3: Choosing a Lender and Navigating Loan Requirements

Every type of small business loan comes with its own set of requirements. For example, if you opt for an SBA loan, you will need to double-check the following prior to submitting an application:


  • Eligible Industry: Ensure your business operates in an industry that’s eligible for the type of loan you’re pursuing. Some sectors, like life insurance, might not fit the bill.
  • Size Criteria: Depending on the loan, you may need to meet size criteria based on factors like the number of employees, net worth, or revenue.
  • Business History: Most lenders prefer businesses with at least a couple of years of operational history.
  • Funding Efforts: Be ready to show that you’ve made efforts to secure funding elsewhere.
  • Business Credit Score: Maintain a business credit score above 140 to increase your chances of approval. You can check your business credit score either through Experian or PAYDEX.


Remember, lenders often set their own course requirements too. When choosing your lender, ensure they align with the specific loan type and their criteria suit your needs.


Step 4: Gather Your Documents

To navigate the loan application process smoothly, gather your documentation ahead of time. Keep in mind that different lenders will have their own set of documentation requirements that often expand upon what is needed to complete the loan application. However, there’s a common thread running through what most lenders typically request. Here is what you should have ready to complete the application process smoothly:


Business Information

This is the foundation of your application. Expect to provide basic details about your business, such as its name, address, and tax ID. But don’t stop there; some lenders may delve deeper and ask for a comprehensive business plan or proposal. Within the business plan or proposal, you’ll map out precisely how you intend to utilize the loan effectively.


Financial Statements

Lenders want to make sure that those they are lending to are financially healthy. Be prepared to furnish financial statements, including your annual revenue figures. These might encompass profit and loss statements, tax returns, and bank account statements, both for yourself and your business entity. It’s a financial snapshot that paints a comprehensive picture of your enterprise’s fiscal stability.


Collateral Information

Depending on the lender and loan type, you might be required to offer collateral to secure your loan. Collateral typically involves assets like real estate or equipment. It’s crucial to provide comprehensive information about the type of collateral you’re putting up and its assessed value. To bolster your case, consider having an independent auditor evaluate the collateral’s worth before diving into the loan application process. Keep in mind that traditional banks and SBA lenders are more likely to request collateral compared to their online counterparts.


Ownership Details

Lenders are keen to know who’s at the helm of your business. You’ll likely need to provide information about the business’s owners, including their names, Social Security numbers, and addresses. Expect this request, especially if any owner holds a significant stake in your company, often around 20% to 25%, depending on the lender.


Personal Guarantees

Most lenders will insist on borrowers signing a personal guarantee as part of the loan application. This is a critical document that establishes your commitment to repaying the loan using your personal assets if, for any reason, your business defaults. In some cases, additional business owners might also be required to sign personal guarantees, so be prepared to navigate this aspect of the process.


Step 5: Complete the Application

With your paperwork ready, you’re well-prepared to embark on the loan application process. Double-check that all required documentation is in order, review your application carefully, and when you’re confident everything is accounted for and correct, submit your application.


You can expect the wait for approval to take between 30 to 90 days, though it depends on the lender you chose and the loan type.


Ready to Apply for a Small Business Loan?

Applying for a small business loan does not have to be daunting. With the right guidance and preparation, securing the financing your business needs can be a straightforward process. Remember to chart your course carefully, from determining your loan’s purpose to assembling the necessary documents, and choosing a lender that aligns with your needs.


When considering your financing options, look no further than New Bridge Merchant Capital.  With over 20 years of financial industry expertise, NBMC’s tailored programs cater to your specific industry, business size, seasonality, and liquidity. Our commitment to clear communication ensures a transparent, seamless, and swift process.


Ready to begin your loan application process? Contact New Bridge Merchant Capital today by calling 844-228-0593 or by filling out the contact form. We’ll help you secure the funding your business deserves.

Can You Get a Small Business Startup Loan With No Money?

Can You Get a Small Business Startup Loan With No Money?

It’s undeniable that obtaining a small business loan in New Jersey for a startup with no revenue can be a daunting experience. However, there are still several realistic options to explore. While securing a startup loan without any reserves is always possible, waiting until your business has at least six months of seasoning puts you in the best position to finance your new enterprise.

Alternatively, if your company has been operating for at least six months, but you don’t have collateral assets or documented cash flow, holding off until your financial situation improves will invariably lead to better loan terms. Of course, for many entrepreneurs, putting their launch date on the back burner may not be a viable option. If you are in immediate need of startup funding, there are several potential avenues to explore for New Jersey small business loans that don’t rely on your existing cash flow.

How Do Small Business Startup Loans Work?

Startup business loans are crucial for supplying the initial capital many entrepreneurs need to establish new businesses. A diverse array of creditors advertise this type of funding, including alternative lenders, traditional banks, investors, and credit unions. Before you can obtain a startup loan, however, you’ll typically need an impeccable business plan.

Your startup’s blueprint should be organized, well-detailed, and include financial projections that show lenders how you aim to repay the funds. You’ll also have to fill out an extensive loan application, and most lenders will ask you to stake personal collateral if you have it. Once the creditor carefully evaluates your business plan, it will be able to assess the potential success of your venture and establish the loan amount, interest rates, and repayment terms.

Once the lender approves your loan and disperses the funds, the next step is to ensure you utilize the capital effectively. Adhering to the original business plan is essential since it creates the entire premise for your loan. Straying significantly from your plan might not only destabilize the business but also make it difficult to meet repayment obligations.

Open communication with the lender throughout the loan application process for low- or no-cash borrowers is critical. Entrepreneurs should maintain transparent and proactive communication, especially if they anticipate any issues with their loan file. When you keep the lines of communication open, you’ll only make it easier for lenders to find an agreeable solution. This approach will help ensure you don’t receive a loan denial or encounter any other negative consequences during the application process.

Common Funding Options for Small Business Loans in NJ With No Money

Common Funding Options for Small Business Loans in NJ With No Money

Startup businesses, or those with limited revenue streams, will always face challenges when seeking loans from traditional banks or the Small Business Administration (SBA). Luckily, if this describes your predicament, you can still find several alternative financing options. However, even if a business lender does not require substantial revenue, showing an ability to repay the loan is paramount.

Now, let’s explore a few popular alternative funding solutions below:

Small Business Credit Cards

One popular option for startups to consider is a small business credit card. These revolving trade lines function similarly to personal credit cards. They allow businesses to borrow up to a predetermined amount based on their current credit profile before paying the balance back down so they can access the funds later.

Some cards even offer perks, such as cashback on office supplies. Nevertheless, interest rates on business credit cards can be high, while the limits are often low and may not be enough to get your operations off the ground. Likewise, if you run your balances above 25 percent of the maximum approved limit, you risk lowering your FICO score.


Microloans are another common financing option for startups. These loans, typically designed for businesses with small funding needs, offer amounts up to $50,000. Unlike traditional business loans, microloans may not have stringent revenue requirements at the time of application.

The Small Business Administration (SBA) and other government, nonprofit, and peer-to-peer agencies offer microloans as a means of supporting and encouraging startup ventures. Alternative lenders, too, like New Bridge Merchant Capital are similarly glad to review business proposals and determine if they can offer you a custom solution.

Equipment Financing

For businesses requiring costly industrial tools and machinery, equipment financing is often the most viable option, even without significant revenue. With this type of loan, the value of the equipment itself serves as collateral rather than your cash flows.

As a result, lenders may be more inclined to provide loans to startups that use valuable equipment. This option enables businesses to acquire the necessary tools for launching their new enterprise while spreading out the costs over time. The prospective lender should be able to offer a manageable equipment financing repayment plan to help you navigate the early stages of your operations successfully.

How Should You Approach Startup Funding With No Revenue?

Financing for your small business in New Jersey might seem next to impossible, especially if you lack sufficient earnings. That aside, there are steps you can take to increase your chances of securing a startup business loan even when you don’t have much cash on hand.

Begin by evaluating your assets. Lenders need to ensure you can repay the loan, so even if you’re not generating income, consider what other positive attributes you can offer. For example, if you can stake high-priced personal collateral or a strong credit history, this will present you in a more favorable light with business lenders.

Creditors often require a certain amount of money in your business bank accounts before considering your loan application. However, other lenders may be more forgiving of cash flow issues if you meet other loan requirements or have a positive credit history. Therefore, it’s essential to understand what the lending institution is looking for before applying.

Evaluating your own risks is also crucial when applying for a loan. Loan terms reflect the level of risk for lenders, with riskier loans typically having higher interest rates and shorter repayment periods. If you’re not confident in your ability to repay a loan without money in the bank, you may end up borrowing more funds to pay off existing debts. This can lead to a difficult cycle of debt that can be hard to break free from.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Taking on a Business Loan With No Funds?

Taking out a small business loan in New Jersey does have its pros and cons, especially when you lack the funds to start with. While it may seem challenging to secure funding without any existing revenue, there are certain situations where seeking a startup business loan can still be beneficial.

One of the main reasons startups look to small business funding is because they’re trying to get their operations off the ground. Yet withal, launching a new company requires initial capital for rent, inventory, equipment, payroll, and other operational expenses before you can start generating sales. If you anticipate only a short time frame before you realize substantial income to cover your loan payments, borrowing upstart money with no cash flow may be worthwhile.

Additionally, loans can be invaluable when you need funds to grow your business shortly after launching it. As your business expands, you may require additional facilities, inventory, payroll, and working capital. If you haven’t accumulated significant savings yet, loans can serve as the catalyst for growing your startup.

Furthermore, if your business operates on an invoicing system where customers expect payment at a later date, having access to cash is always crucial. Many businesses face the challenge of unpaid invoices, which complicates their revenue streams. In such cases, factoring or accounts receivable loans can be advantageous. Factoring companies allow you to sell a fraction of your invoices in exchange for an advance of a portion of the invoice amount, thereby converting your unpaid invoices into immediate cash.

Despite these advantages, there are also potential downsides to taking out a small business loan with no revenue. One significant concern is the obligation to repay the loan along with interest and fees, regardless of how well your business performs. If your business fails to generate sufficient income to meet these financial obligations, this could lead to further financial strain and prospectively force you to shutter entirely.

Another consideration is the potential impact on your credit score. A small business loan can affect your creditworthiness if you can’t make timely repayments. This could make it more challenging to secure future loans or lines of credit for your company.

Moreover, taking on debt without a reliable revenue stream can create additional stress and pressure, as you’ll need to ensure that your business thrives and meets all its financial obligations. It’s essential to carefully analyze your revenue projections and assess whether taking on a small business loan is viable under your specific circumstances.

Likewise, obtaining a loan as a startup or with no revenue history may result in less favorable terms and higher interest rates. Lenders often view these businesses as higher risk, which can lead to more stringent loan conditions. It’s crucial to thoroughly research and compare different lenders to find the best terms possible for your business.

Alternative Funding Options for Startups With No Revenue

For startups in New Jersey that are low on revenue and reluctant to take out a business loan, there are alternative funding options worth considering. Early-stage startups, for example, may be able to secure funds through venture capital or crowdfunding. Venture capital involves receiving investment in exchange for a percentage of ownership in the business.

This method of funding does not involve interest charges or repayment requirements, which can be attractive. However, understanding that accepting venture capital means giving up a portion of your equity in the business is imperative. Venture capitalists typically seek companies that display the potential for rapid growth and high profitability upon sale.

Some startups rely on crowdfunding, although this is a less reliable option. Crowdfunding is where entrepreneurs solicit donations from friends, family, and community members to support their businesses. Unlike venture capital, crowdfunding does not require giving up equity in the business. However, as mentioned, it may be challenging to attract enough funding through this method.

For established businesses in New Jersey, applying for small business grants is a viable alternative. Grants are essentially free money that does not need to be repaid. They award organizations with the funds and do not claim ownership in the business. Aside from general small business grants, there may also be case-specific grants available for minority-owned businesses and specific industries, depending on the nature of your startup.

While these alternative funding options may seem appealing, they also come with their own set of drawbacks. Venture capital, for instance, can result in a loss of control and decision-making power as investors gain a stake in the business. Additionally, crowdfunding campaigns require significant promotional efforts and may not always reach their fundraising goals. As for grants, they are usually highly competitive and not guaranteed, meaning businesses may invest time and effort in the application process without ultimately receiving any funding.

Looking for an Expert Consultation on Financing Your Next Startup?

While launching a new business with no money in New Jersey may seem like moving mountains, it is not entirely impossible. Small business loans can provide the necessary capital to get your startup off the ground and set it up for long-term success. Carefully planning and adequately researching all the available financing options can lead to the right startup loan that meets your needs without breaking the bank.

If you are considering launching a business in New Jersey and need financial assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to New Bridge Merchant Capital. Our financial experts remain dedicated to helping entrepreneurs like you navigate the world of startup funding.

Contact New Bridge Merchant Capital today at 844-228-0593 for a one-on-one consultation. We’ll help evaluate your financing options. Or, consider starting an online loan application now. We’re ready to help you take the first step toward turning your business dreams into reality. Remember, with the proper support and financial backing, you can overcome virtually any obstacle and achieve entrepreneurial success in The Garden State.

The Top Options for New Jersey Small Business Loans

The Top Options for New Jersey Small Business Loans

Launching and growing a small business in New Jersey is no easy task, and securing outside funding is often an essential part of this notoriously challenging process. Fortunately, you can still encounter a range of small business loans in NJ through both private and government-sponsored programs. Several initiatives aim to invigorate and sustain economic development in The Garden State, making New Jersey one of the top places for funding a small business.

In addition to reliable access to private business loans, New Jersey also provides a few government programs offering mentorship, assistance, and professional guidance to both new and existing business owners. These programs not only help entrepreneurs identify and secure financing opportunities but also provide support in various aspects of running and expanding their operations. With countless private and public resources available, you can expect to receive the support necessary to thrive in the competitive New Jersey business landscape.

In the following sections, we will highlight the various government-sponsored loan programs and private lending resources available to small business owners in New Jersey. Whether you are a startup or an established business, understanding these options can help you make informed decisions about your funding needs and ensure the long-term success of your business venture.

SBA Loans New Jersey

SBA Loans

SBA loans, with their low interest rates, long repayment terms, and range of loan programs tailored to different small businesses, can be highly advantageous for New Jersey-based organizations. Although available across the country, SBA loans can be especially valuable for eligible business owners across The Garden State who can endure the often lengthy processing times.

To determine the most suitable SBA loan program, start by evaluating your eligibility requirements. This initial approach will help you navigate the application process and streamline your application. SBA-approved lenders can be an invaluable resource for helping you gather all the necessary documents and preparing your loan package for submittal.

After getting approved for one of New Jersey’s SBA loan programs, your small business can access the funding it needs to continue expanding its footprint and increasing its bottom line. With the support of a reliable and trusted lender, entrepreneurs shouldn’t find it too difficult to realize the benefits of SBA loans and facilitate their business expansion plans.


COVID Relief Funding

The COVID-19 pandemic hit New Jersey businesses particularly hard, with many still struggling to recover from its wide-sweeping impacts. In response to the various challenges posed by local government restrictions, the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) has approved a comprehensive package of seven loan and grant programs designed to provide some relief to area businesses.

One of the key initiatives is the Small Business Emergency Assistance Grant Program. This program, which has been allocated $5 million, offers grants of up to $5,000 to businesses in industries that have been hit the hardest by the pandemic. The retail, entertainment, and recreation sectors are among those eligible for this type of funding. The aim is to help these businesses maintain their post-pandemic operations and support their employees after a difficult time.

These financing initiatives are part of the NJEDA’s commitment to supporting small businesses affected by the pandemic. However, the available funds may not be sufficient enough to fully resolve COVID-related working capital issues that many New Jersey small businesses continue struggling with today.

Exploring Your Options for Small Business Loans in NJ

Alternative Lending Solutions

Whether it’s a merchant cash advance, business line of credit, invoice factoring, or a working capital loan, businesses in New Jersey have a multitude of options to choose from when it comes to financing their operations.

Merchant Capital Advances let businesses receive a lump sum of cash in exchange for a percentage of their future credit card sales. This can be a convenient option for companies with a high volume of credit card transactions but may have difficulty qualifying for a traditional loan due to low seasoning or challenged credit.

Another popular working capital solution is a business line of credit. This type of financing can be secured or unsecured and provides companies with a revolving credit line they can draw from as necessary, up to a predetermined limit. Lines of credit are a flexible option for organizations that frequently encounter fluctuating cash flows or unexpected expenses. However, the financial qualifying requirements can be slightly more stringent, something to keep in mind if you’re applying for a business line of credit in NJ.

Invoice factoring is a common alternative business funding solution in New Jersey. With invoice factoring, businesses can sell their outstanding invoices to a factoring company in exchange for immediate cash. This can help your business improve its revenue streams and access fast working capital without waiting for your customers to satisfy their invoices.

Term loans are common solutions for small businesses in need of short-term financing. Companies typically use this type of financing to cover day-to-day expenses, such as payroll or inventory, and repay them over a short time. Term lengths can range anywhere between three and five years, and the instruments can be secured or unsecured. This funding type is a great option for businesses that need quick funding to keep their operations running smoothly.


Exploring Your Options for Small Business Loans in NJ

At the end of the day, small business owners in New Jersey have a healthy range of alternative loan options to select from. Whether it’s a merchant cash advance, business line of credit, invoice factoring, or working capital loan, each option offers unique benefits to help meet the specific financing needs of small businesses within the state.

As a business owner in New Jersey looking for the best loan program that meets all your needs, the safest approach is to explore all your options. If you’re in the process of seeking reliable business funding solutions, reach out to New Bridge Merchant Capital for a free consultation.

One of our experienced business banking professionals will provide you with personalized advice and assistance in navigating the different loans for small businesses in NJ, ensuring that you secure the financing your business deserves. Don’t hesitate to take the next step toward growing your business. Start your application online now or contact us at 844-228-0593.

A Comprehensive Guide to Financing Your Inventory in New Jersey

A Comprehensive Guide to Financing Your Inventory in New Jersey

When it comes to inventory management, there’s a lot at stake for New Jersey small business owners. An unexpected sales slump, late invoice payments, or equipment malfunctions can leave your business vulnerable, and expose you to critical inventory shortages, and even a significant financial shortfall. Fortunately, there is a viable funding option that helps smaller companies like yours safely plan ahead to help mitigate stock issues known as inventory financing.

Inventory financing is a short-term business lending solution, usually lasting up to a year or more. This type of loan assists businesses in covering their expenses or acquiring additional assets without staking their personal collateral upfront.

To help business owners better understand how this financing type works, the lending consultants at New Bridge Merchant Capital have put together the following guide covering the various benefits of inventory financing and how to apply for it. We’ll also discuss a handful of other popular alternative small business loans in NJ to consider as you search for the best working capital solutions for your organization.

What is Inventory Financing?

Inventory financing plays a vital role in running countless successful small businesses. Companies frequently leverage this financing type when they need to purchase products to sell at the peak of their seasonal fluctuations. In contrast to other familiar NJ business loans, inventory financing offers an attractive lending structure that requires no personal collateral. Instead, creditors use your existing inventory to secure the loan in the case of a default.

Inventory financing enables businesses to purchase merchandise to satisfy their large seasonal orders and capitalize on other time-sensitive opportunities. The secured loan basis for inventory financing makes it a relatively low-risk option for lenders since there is no need for additional collateral, and the inventory itself is sufficient enough to make the loan.

You can access this type of financing from several lending entities, including traditional banks, commercial finance companies, and alternative business lenders. Before creating the loan, these creditors will ascribe a value to your existing inventory used to secure the proposed funding.

During this process, they’ll also establish a basis for assessing your creditworthiness and the maximum loan disbursement amount. It is, therefore, crucial that you work closely with your preferred lender to gather all the pertinent financial documents that can demonstrate the fiscal strength of your business, the value of your inventory, and your company’s ability to repay the loan.

The terms of inventory financing vary from institution to institution and come with different processing fees, repayment periods, and interest rates. Closely examining borrowing costs and comparing multiple products and terms will give you a more comprehensive view of which loan structure is right for your specific application.

How Inventory Financing Works

How Inventory Financing Works

Inventory financing for small businesses is a popular form of asset-based financing that gives retailers and wholesalers, especially those with a large amount of available stock, fast access to working capital. Small to medium-sized companies often lack the financial history and dispensable assets to secure the institutional-sized financing options that larger retailers can. For this reason, many smaller companies opt for inventory financing to ensure sufficient stock levels.

Smaller companies are generally private. Thus, they can’t raise money by issuing bonds or new rounds of stock. Without access to traditional financing solutions like these, businesses have increasingly turned to inventory financing as an alternative for funding their general operating expenses.

While inventory financing is an effective way to generate working capital quickly, it’s also critical for ensuring uninterrupted operations and protecting your business from experiencing an unexpected loss. Inventory financing allows companies to purchase the necessary materials to manufacture products they intend to sell at a later date and improve their cash flow management.

Inventory financing also provides both short- and long-term benefits. It allows companies to purchase enough materials to avoid losing potential sales due to shortages or limited stock. Moreover, it helps protect against overstocking. This problem can lead to a decrease in cash flow due to carrying excess inventory, which is especially important during seasonal fluctuations when overstocking becomes a burden.

Which Types of Businesses Benefit From Inventory Financing?

Whether you need to order a new line of products or boost your stock levels to support an increase in demand, inventory financing is often vital to running countless successful small businesses.

The financing solution lets smaller companies attain the funds they need to cover the cost of ordering and stocking their inventory while protecting them against the rising expenses associated with raw materials. Inventory financing can provide substantial relief for any business that faces a sudden spike in demand or needs to cover the steep costs of procuring seasonal inventory.


Retail is a good example of one business type that frequently benefits from inventory financing. Department stores cover a range of product categories, from shoes and clothing to jewelry and housewares. Specialty retailers, on the other hand, emphasize a specific class of products such as toys, sports equipment, or greenhouse supplies. In either case, inventory financing can provide the financial flexibility needed to replenish stock during periods of peak demand.


Wholesalers are warehouse retailers who sell their products in bulk at reduced prices. As a result, their inventory needs are much larger than those of other businesses. Inventory financing can provide the extra financial support required to stock up on products at scale.

Seasonal businesses

Seasonal businesses also rely heavily on inventory financing. Taking out an inventory loan lets them manage their stock levels while keeping up with the increased demand. Many seasonal companies experience a substantial spike in customers or clients during specific occasions like holidays, summer vacation, winter months, or sporting events. Moreover, by utilizing the funding, they can manage these changes without taking on too much debt at once.

Inventory Financing vs Business Loans

Understanding the differences between the various business loan types is a vital part of the decision-making process for any company seeking extra working capital. By comparing and contrasting the advantages and disadvantages of each loan, you’ll be able to make an informed decision about which financing option meets the needs of your unique business.

Inventory financing isn’t secured in the traditional sense, yet it still provides capital for companies to invest in stock purchases and continue meeting customer demand. Inventory loan rates tend to be higher than conventional financing options. The extra borrowing costs could be an expensive funding solution for some businesses. However, due to their collateral-free nature, your company can secure this financing type quickly to ensure you have the funds available when needed.

On the other hand, traditional business loans are secured capital that organizations receive from conventional banks or financial institutions. Companies typically use these loans for capital investments such as equipment and office space.

The terms for traditional business loans can vary depending on the lender, but they often have long-term repayment periods and lower interest rates than inventory loans. Additionally, traditional business loans often come with flexible payment schedules, and the qualification process can be substantially more involved than it is for inventory loans.

Inventory Financing vs Trade Credit

Inventory financing and trade credit are two of the most common small business working capital solutions. Both methods have advantages and drawbacks that we’ll touch on in more detail below.

Small businesses that lack the liquidity to purchase their inventory outright frequently use inventory financing to restock. Creditors provide these loans based on the value of the goods purchased along with any existing inventory, up to a certain percentage. The business will then use the loan to acquire the inventory and leverage it to generate revenue.

Trade credit is also a popular financing option for small businesses. It allows them to purchase inventory from vendors on credit instead of paying for it upfront. The vendor will agree to extend the business credit for a specified term, during which the business is expected to pay for the acquired inventory. In exchange for the proposed terms, vendors usually charge a fee for the privilege of using their services.

Similarities between inventory financing and trade credit include the fact that they both represent a means of financing a business’s inventory purchases. Both can be obtained from either a lender or a vendor, and they each provide a short-term solution to cash flow constraints.

The primary difference between inventory financing and trade credit lies in the source of funds. With inventory financing, the lender provides the entire amount needed to purchase the inventory upfront. Trade credit, conversely, only provides enough funds to cover the cost of the new stock purchased on credit terms. Likewise, with trade credit, there is usually more paperwork involved to establish the agreement. However, the terms and pricing are often more favorable than inventory financing.

Inventory Financing vs Asset-Based Lending

Inventory Financing vs Asset-Based Lending

Many small businesses depend on financing to purchase, store, and distribute inventory. Two common types of financing strategies are inventory financing and asset-based lending. Each type of financing has its own unique advantages and disadvantages.

Businesses use inventory financing primarily to purchase inventory from vendors without using their existing cash resources. They deploy this strategy to expand their inventory and meet increased customer demand. When you utilize an inventory financing loan, your business will borrow a set amount to cover the cost of the new stock upfront, repaying the loan later on with future sales proceeds.

While you should consider inventory financing a type of asset-based loan, asset-based lending products typically staking non-inventory collateral to secure the loan. These loans not infrequently often put more emphasis on your personal or business collateral than your creditworthiness.

Businesses that use asset-based loans frequently to fill operational gaps that occur when short-term demands exceed long-term sales projections. With this loan type, the disbursement amount is secured by a percentage of the business’s current assets, such as accounts receivable, or other collateral like personal property and industrial equipment.

As opposed to inventory financing loans, asset-based loans provide businesses with access to larger amounts of money over a longer time. The repayment terms can be more favorable since they’re established by a set percentage of your accounts receivables, as opposed to an obligation to repay with the proceeds from your future sales.

Inventory financing is generally more suitable for businesses with seasonal demands or customers with a high need for product replenishment. Asset-based loans, in contrast, work better for companies that have to cover substantial and ongoing operational costs.

Applying for Inventory Financing

Business owners looking to increase their inventory usually find inventory financing a viable solution. Before taking out a loan like this, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the necessary steps to apply. To ensure a successful application process, you should have a keen understanding of your liquidity, turnover, and sales history.

When applying for inventory financing, expect the lender to ask for documentation such as sales history, profit and loss statements, sales projections, cash flow statements, and a business plan. These documents will provide insight into your business’ likely liquidation value and its prospects for successful inventory sales. To ensure they find the best fit for borrowing their inventory, business owners should do their due diligence and research all available options.

If you’re planning on applying for inventory financing, here is a reliable list of steps to follow:

  • Research all available loan products
  • Gather necessary financial documents
  • Draft a reliable business plan
  • Project future inventory liquidation value and sales
  • Compare different offers and select a lender that meets your needs

Where to Apply for Inventory Financing in NJ

With additional inventory, businesses have the ability to produce more goods and purchase costly items while maximizing their profits. By working with a reliable financing partner, you’ll ensure your business is making the most of its available resources.

New Bridge Merchant Capital is among the leading finance companies in New Jersey. We offer best-in-class service, fast loan approvals, competitive rates, and quick turnaround times.

Whether you need to purchase inventory or just want to cover operating expenses, our team of experienced lending professionals is here to help. Contact New Bridge Merchant Capital at 844-228-0593 for current pricing, or fill out our online application to get started today.

The Path to Prosperity: New Jersey Small Business Loans Made Easy

The Path to Prosperity: New Jersey Small Business Loans Made Easy

In today’s competitive business milieu, New Jersey small business owners are constantly seeking ways to drive revenue and fuel growth. One critical aspect of achieving these ends is simplified access to working capital. Whether it’s for expanding operations, purchasing inventory or equipment, or hiring additional staff, countless New Jersey small businesses require additional funding to support their growth ambitions.

This post covers some of the most common lending solutions available to small business owners in The Garden State. We’ll highlight how various business lending solutions can increase your bottom line and foster healthy expansion. Once you find a handle on all the available loans for small businesses in NJ, selecting a funding solution to support your long-term profitability and strategic growth initiatives will be much easier.

The Current Landscape for Small Business Loans in NJ

The Current Landscape for Small Business Loans in NJ

New Jersey, with its diverse economy and over 9 million residents, is a fertile ground for thriving small businesses. In fact, smaller companies make up over 99% of all enterprises in the state and contribute significantly to its overall economic health.

To help support and strengthen its small business community, New Jersey has implemented several programs and initiatives, including the Garden State Growth Zone program. This program and similar have been instrumental in driving business growth by offering enticing tax incentives for smaller companies in designated areas of the state.

The current environment for business lending in New Jersey is no less favorable for small business owners. With a myriad of available options, entrepreneurs now have streamlined access to the capital they need to expand their operations, invest in technology, or launch new products and services.

Conventional lending institutions, community banks, and, increasingly, alternative lenders are all vying to serve the small businesses in The Garden State. However, since 2008, business-focused lenders like New Bridge Merchant Capital have recently filled an ostensible void in the small business funding market by offering fast working capital solutions for companies like yours.

Small Business Loan Options with New Bridge Merchant Capital


Small businesses looking for financing options to support their growth and operations can turn to New Bridge Merchant Capital Bank. With a range of business lending products specifically tailored to New Jersey enterprises, we’re committed to helping local entrepreneurs thrive under challenging economic conditions.

Let’s take a look at a few of our most common loan offerings and briefly discuss how they work:

Merchant Cash Advances

New Bridge Merchant Capital offers merchant cash advances as a financing option for small businesses. This type of loan allows companies to receive upfront capital in exchange for a percentage of their future credit card sales.

The repayment terms are flexible since they tie directly to your daily credit card transactions. This arrangement means that, during slower periods, your business will pay back less, while in busier times, your payments are higher. Merchant cash advances are a quick and accessible solution for organizations that fast funding to cover a shortfall or leverage a time-sensitive opportunity.

Short-Term Business Loans

For companies looking for a lump sum of capital over a fixed period of time, New Bridge Merchant Capital Bank offers short-term working capital loans. These loans are typically repaid within six to eighteen months, in some cases longer, making them suitable for businesses with specific short-term funding requirements such as purchasing inventory, covering temporary cash flow gaps, or funding a marketing campaign.

Short-term business loans are customizable, allowing you to choose the repayment frequency that best suits your cash flow. This product is an excellent solution for any business that needs a fast funding option to seize on time-sensitive opportunities and address its immediate financial concerns.

Equipment Financing

New Bridge Merchant Capital Bank understands that many businesses require specialized equipment to operate efficiently. To help businesses finance the acquisition of equipment, we offer competitive equipment financing options. Whether your business needs to purchase new machinery, vehicles, or technology, equipment financing allows you to spread the cost over time while finding instant access to the equipment.

Among the most popular and accessible small business loans in NJ, you can tailor this product to the useful life of the equipment, making it easier for your company to manage its cash flow and allocate funds to other areas of your operations. Equipment financing provides countless trade and industrial businesses with the necessary resources to invest in essential equipment without draining their existing working capital.

Items You’ll Need to Apply for Small Business Loans in NJ

Before applying for business funding in New Jersey, there are several steps that a typical business loan borrower needs to take. Firstly, you should evaluate the financial health of your business thoroughly. This process entails a close look at your finances, including profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements.

Borrowers should also consider the purpose of the loan and determine how much funding they require. Understanding how you aim to use the loan proceeds and how they will contribute to your growth and financial stability is crucial. Common applications for business loans include funding for equipment purchases, expansion projects, or working capital needs. Likewise, comparing multiple lenders will help you find the most suitable financing solution.

Flexible Repayment Options with New Bridge Merchant Capital

Business lending is a vital tool for driving growth and increasing profitability. Our flexible repayment options let companies tailor their loans to fit their specific needs and cash flow requirements. After accessing capital through our lending solutions, you can continue investing in expansion, buy new equipment, or hire additional staff, all of which contribute to increased productivity and better profitability.

To learn more about our pricing and how fast working capital solutions can fuel your growth, we encourage you to reach out to one of our senior business lending officers at New Bridge Merchant Capital at 844-228-0593. We’re happy to discuss your unique requirements and equip you with the information you need to make a profitable borrowing decision.

How Contractor Financing Can Help Your Small Business in New Jersey Grow

How Contractor Financing Can Help Your Small Business in New Jersey Grow

Cash flow constraints are a common issue for contractors, especially since industry payment cycles tend to be unpredictable. For many small contracting businesses, this means it’s only a matter of time before they experience a financial shortfall and need to start exploring options for additional working capital.

Luckily, there are sources for small business loans in New Jersey that can give you a reliable path to overcoming delayed payments and unexpected losses. Contractor financing is an invaluable tool for securing materials and assets. The lending solutions let businesses scale their projects with confidence. Offered in myriad forms, from lines of credit to invoice factoring, contractor financing helps businesses make strategic decisions about when and where to invest, all while ensuring constant and reliable cash flows.

How Does Contractor Financing Work?

Building a successful business requires effective management of cash flow. Contractors often discover early on that while costs for a particular project may be considerable at the outset, with materials and labor, it will be several months before a project is completed and paid for. Such a cash flow issue can force contractors to seek financing to cover their costs until the next payment arrives.

Banks and other traditional lenders consider it risky to finance construction projects, leaving many builders struggling to encounter suitable financing options for project expenses like labor, materials, and equipment. In the following sections, we’ll introduce you to a range of contractor financing solutions along with the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Contractor financing is a category of financial instruments available to construction businesses that can help ease their cash flow issues. These loans are divided into two types: advances and deferrals. Advances cover material costs and other expenses before they’re paid for, while a deferral effectively lengthens payment terms and allows the contractor to fund labor, materials, and equipment more slowly.

In other industries, businesses can access traditional funding sources with minimal risk, enabling them to finance their operations at relatively low rates. Because of the risks inherent to construction, however, traditional banks and lenders are hesitant to provide financing products to contractors.

Without access to conventional financing, construction businesses have started turning to a range of emergent small business loans in New Jersey designed to meet their requirements. These specialized solutions exist to bridge the gap between the time when payments are received and when your expenses must be covered.

Through an array of alternative contractor financing options, construction businesses can rest assured in knowing that cash is available to pay for labor and materials while guaranteeing they get paid for each project. Whether through a cost deferral or an advance, you can use contractor financing to keep your business profitable.

What Are The Typical Types of Contractor Financing?

Contractors face increasingly complex challenges when seeking working capital. To overcome these obstacles, forward-looking companies have stepped into the breach with an array of options to help keep their supply chains healthy and thriving.

From invoice factoring to lines of credit, you’ll find an array of alternative financing solutions available to contractors who need capital to grow their businesses, take on larger projects, or meet predictable gaps in cash flow. Let’s take a look at a few of these options in more detail below.

Traditional Bank Loans

As a business owner, you’ve likely heard about traditional bank loans as a potential working capital solution. These loans are typically offered by established banks or credit unions; however, they may also be obtained through online lenders and creditors specializing in business loans.

A traditional bank loan is a sum of money lent to a business by a financial institution; this money must then be repaid in full, with interest, over a previously agreed upon period of time. Usually, bank loans come with fixed interest rates and loan terms ranging from just a few months to several years. Bank loans also give businesses access to the funds needed to cover their daily expenses, purchase new equipment, and implement needed marketing strategies.

However, it’s worth noting that obtaining a traditional bank loan can be a lengthy and arduous process. In most cases, banks require extensive paperwork to verify the borrower’s financial history and the current financial health of the business. Additionally, the financial institution may need to conduct a detailed review of the proposal to ensure that the owners can adequately manage and repay the loan.

For companies that qualify for a traditional bank loan, there are both advantages and disadvantages to consider. On the plus side, the loan offers a fixed loan amount with fixed interest rates. The is usually secured with collateral, ensuring that the bank will be paid back. On the downside, the process to obtain a traditional bank loan can be lengthy and requires a considerable amount of documentation. Moreover, the bank may charge additional fees for setting up the loan along with any late payments.

A traditional bank loan can provide a dependable source of working capital for businesses. If you have time to complete the necessary paperwork and have good credit scores, the odds of qualifying for small business loans in New Jersey are strong. However, remember to weigh the pros and cons carefully before committing to a loan agreement.

Equipment Financing

Equipment Financing

Equipment financing is ideal for construction companies looking to purchase large equipment such as heavy machinery, vehicles, tools, and other operational equipment that makes workers more productive. It works like a car loan or mortgage, wherein a bank loans the construction company money to purchase the equipment and then uses the equipment as collateral. Generally, the higher the amount borrowed, the higher the interest rate, which is always something to consider.

Oftentimes, the borrower would need to put down a certain deposit percentage for the value of the equipment. However, some lenders offer 100% funding. Irrespective of the deposit percentage, the loan would need to be approved with a thorough credit check and financial statement review. Moreover, the property is at risk if you miss payments, since the bank is within its rights to repossess the equipment.

The pros and cons of such financing are worth mentioning, as well. To begin with, the interest rate is usually lower since you’re securing the loan with collateral. The increased productivity from the new equipment, however, will help cover the cost of the loan. On the other hand, a down payment may be required to obtain the financing. The risk of not making payments on time could result in the repossession of your equipment, something that always hangs over the heads of those who fail to do so.

Equipment financing is a viable solution for construction companies. It can help them obtain the necessary operational tools to be more productive, however, one must be cautious of the potential risk that comes with it. Remember to factor in the deposit percentage, the interest rate, as well as the credit check and financial statement review that is typically required.

Lines of Credit

Business lines of credit can be invaluable sources of working capital for contractors and essentially any other small business owner. This lending option offers shorter-term funding than a traditional business loan, allowing for more manageable withdrawals and payments. It also provides a flexible method of borrowing money when necessary, with no need for lengthy applications or waiting periods.

A business line of credit comes in two forms: secured or unsecured. An unsecured line of credit, also known as a “revolving line of credit,” does not require collateral and carries a higher interest rate. Secured lines typically come with higher limits, but lower interest rates, since the lender can seize assets if need be.

The benefits of a business line of credit are numerous. The flexible nature of this financing means you only pay interest on the amount you borrow, giving you control over expenses without the risk of over-borrowing. You can also withdraw and repay the money as many times as you need, allowing for more precise allocations of finances.

On the other hand, business lines of credit also come with certain drawbacks. These lines of credit usually carry higher interest rates than traditional lines of credit. Likewise, the nature of a line of credit usually requires strong financial statements and a good credit score before lenders will approve your application.

Merchant Cash Advances

Merchant cash advances are an excellent option for contractors who need reliable sources of working capital. A merchant cash advance gives businesses an up-front sum of money in exchange for a share of their future revenue. This percentage of future income is usually determined by the cash advance company after analyzing the contractor’s cash flows. It is then deducted automatically on a daily basis until you pay the balance owed.

The simplicity with which cash advances can be secured makes them attractive to contractors. The entire process can usually be done in under a week. No collateral is required, as the percentage of future income serves as repayment. This can be a substantial benefit for businesses that don’t have a lot of assets.

However, while merchant cash advances are typically easier to obtain than traditional loans, the high cost of capital can be notably prohibitive. Interest rates are often higher for these advances than for traditional bank loans. Also, since the calculation of the rate of repayment can be difficult to predict, contractors may end up paying a lot more than they bargained for if business suddenly slows down.

Small Business Administration (SBA) Loans

Small Business Administration (SBA) loans can provide an advantage for contractors who don’t need instant working capital. The SBA is a federal program that supports small and medium-sized businesses providing them with access to capital and financial assistance, usually offering loan programs tailored to contracting businesses.

These lending platforms target companies in the construction industry and may provide access to the funds needed to support operations. SBA loans are backed by the government and offer borrowers lower interest rates, longer repayment terms, and large loan amounts. With an SBA loan, contractors get access to the financing required to make the necessary investments in their business. Recent federal regulations have made the process of obtaining business loans slightly easier, as well, only increasing the accessibility of this product.

However, the SBA loan application can prove lengthy and complicated. Applicants must provide documents such as financial records, business plans, and tax returns, which can take a considerable amount of time to gather and organize. Once all the proper paperwork has been submitted, you may still face months of additional waiting while your application is reviewed, approved, or denied.

In terms of pros and cons, remember that interest rates for an SBA loan may be lower with the SBA guarantee, but the repayment term might be longer than traditional loans. Also, SBA loans are for very specific purposes and are often used for working capital or to purchase equipment, buildings, inventory, etc. Businesses cannot leverage them to pay dividends, however. On the plus side, since these loans are guaranteed by the government, your credit score and other documents won’t be as important.

Which Aspects of Your Contractor Business Can You Finance in NJ?

As a contractor in New Jersey, you’ll encounter several options for financing the various parts of your business. Here’s what contractors typically finance in New Jersey:

  • Labor: Covering labor costs can help manage the cash flow of your business.
  • Materials: Taking out a loan for materials can help ensure you have all the necessary resources to complete the job.
  • Equipment: Financing equipment can help you acquire the tools and machinery needed for job completion.

How to Qualify for Competitive Small Business Loans in NJ

Identifying the right New Jersey small business loans for contractors is an important process. You’ll need to consider the terms, costs, and potential benefits that come with each loan. Contractors should always measure their options objectively and look for a financial partner who can provide them with the flexibility to do business on their terms.

New Bridge Merchant Capital assists contractors like yourself with evaluating their financing options to find the right fit for their business. After consulting with one of our seasoned advisors, we’re certain that you’ll be able to make an informed decision about which business financing product best meets your needs.

Complete your application online now or call New Bridge Merchant Capital at 844-228-0593 for a loan quote.

Secondary Business Financing: The Risks, Alternatives, and How to Make an Informed Decision

Should You Take Out a Second Business Loan?

Should You Take Out a Second Business Loan?

Making an informed decision about your second business loan will undeniably have a long-lasting impact on the growth and success of your company. Second business loan origination, also known as loan stacking or piggyback loans, describes the process of taking out secondary secured or unsecured business financing in addition to the loan product you currently have.

While most savvy business owners are aware of the potential risks of opening multiple loan accounts, it is still worth reiterating which secondary loan products could be beneficial. Discussing other viable alternatives to opening another loan is valuable, as well. The following information will help you make the best choice when it comes to evaluating how to support the financial health and profitability of your business.

In this article, we will discuss the risks associated with second business loans, potential alternatives to taking out another loan when you have an existing one, and how to make an educated decision on whether secondary business financing is right for your business.

What are second business loans?

Second loans are relatively common among business owners seeking to expand, restructure, or take advantage of new business opportunities. Opening a new loan account on top of the one you already have can provide the necessary working capital for entrepreneurs facing financial shortfalls, cash flow challenges, and time-sensitive opportunities.

Several secondary business lending products can supply the extra boost your organization needs to realize its growth potential. However, since it carries various risks that could damage a company’s fiscal health, whenever you take on additional business debt, this decision should never be taken lightly.

Opening another loan account demands careful consideration because it could disrupt your financial stability if you make the wrong choice. It’s not uncommon for businesses that feel like they need additional funding to land themselves in the wrong financial product that strains their ability to repay their existing loans while keeping up with another payment schedule and interest rate.

Moreover, failure to repay this new loan could lead to significant financial losses, due to the added expenses, potential late penalties, and loan origination fees. Remember, your second loan’s pricing is premised upon your credit rating and the overall financial health of your business, making the loan more costly if you overextend your debt or haven’t been keeping up with your existing payments.

Before making any decision to take out a second business loan, entrepreneurs should also assess the various alternatives. You should first consider whether or not can safely utilize existing capital, available credit lines, or your other loan accounts, since this option could prove less expensive in the long run. One such viable alternative may include applying for governmental programs or restructuring your current loans in a refinance to improve the terms.

Regardless of whether you decide to take out a loan or an alternative, exercising caution is crucial. Before making the decision, ensure that you understand the repayment terms, interest rates, length of term, and total costs of the loan. Thoroughly researching a prospective loan product and consulting a trusted business lending consultant is essential. Ensure that you understand the financial benefits of the loan before signing any agreement, and the terms should be tailored to your company’s specific needs and abilities to repay in full.

For entrepreneurs to make an informed decision on whether a second business loan is the right option, they should assess their overall situation and available alternatives. Familiarizing yourself with the tangible risks a second loan could pose to their business is equally important.

When you thoroughly research all terms and conditions and understand the repayment structure and potential hidden costs associated with the loan, you’ll be in a much better position to benefit from a second loan product. This approach ultimately helps you make the most informed decision possible on whether taking out a second business loan is the best path for your organization.

Can I get a second loan?

Can I get a second loan?

When your business needs fast capital, and you already have an existing loan your only option may be to apply for secondary business financing. Of course, this is not always the most financially wise decision, so considering the consequences before applying is vital. To get approved for a second loan, you must qualify by evidencing a solid financial history and meeting certain criteria.

When considering a second loan, the first step is to review credit reports from all three of the major credit bureaus: Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion for personal credit scores and the Dun & Bradstreet PAYDEX score in the case of your business credit profile, if you have one. Since lenders base loan approval decisions upon personal and business credit scores, ensuring accurate reporting information is crucial. Any discrepancies in your report should be addressed before submitting a new application.

You should also carefully analyze the type of loan for which you’re applying. In most cases, you’ll have the option of choosing between secured and unsecured loans. Unsecured loans are generally more difficult to qualify for and often come with steeper interest rates. Secured loans, on the other hand, require collateral, but you don’t always need perfect credit, and they typically come with more favorable pricing.

Borrowers should, likewise, be prepared to provide financial information to the lender, such as profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and tax returns. Creditors also require personal information, such as names, addresses, dates of birth, and Social Security numbers for all business owners. Lenders, depending on the circumstances often request additional information, such as a business plan and/or collateral.

Once your application process is complete and the lender has approved the loan request, the borrower will either receive the loan funds directly or through a third party. The repayment terms vary based on the loan amount and product type, so borrowers should ensure that they read and understand all of the relevant loan documentation before signing any agreement.

When deciding if a second business loan is a suitable next step, be sure to consider all of your options carefully. There are advantages and disadvantages to taking out a second business loan; but, with proper research and planning, businesses are all but assured to secure the necessary funds at a reasonable cost.

What are the risks associated with stacking small business loans?

When you cannot obtain adequate funding through traditional avenues, you might find stacking your business loans to finance your operations is always a viable option. And while it can be beneficial to certain businesses, be aware that there are a few potential risks and pitfalls to consider before signing onto a secondary business loan.

One such risk is having too much debt. Businesses that take on multiple loans, each with their own interest rates and repayment terms, can quickly find themselves in a financially precarious position. You want to ensure that the new debt burden won’t become unsustainable. Additionally, businesses should be mindful of their credit health, since multiple loan inquiries and new debt can negatively impact future borrowing capabilities.

Accumulating excessive debt may also lead to less-than-optimal cash flow performance. When you take out different loans from competing lenders, you will find yourself dealing with multiple loan payments with varying due dates. While this is often overlooked, having more than one due date can throw your cash flow out of whack, potentially making it difficult to cover your operating expenses.

Another risk small business owners should be aware of is what might happen in the event of a loan default. When you open more than one loan, this increases the likelihood of falling behind on at least one account. Defaulting on any business loan can have devastating consequences, including a call for full repayment, loss of collateral, legal action, and damage to their credit score. This is why a proper risk assessment before taking any secondary business financing is essential.

Finally, be aware that servicing multiple business loans can lengthen the amount of time you stay in debt. Carrying multiple loan obligations to different lenders with varying terms usually reduces the business’ ability to quickly pay off its debts. If you are extending repayment terms, this decision should be analyzed carefully before committing to a second business or third loan account.

Stacking your business loans offers you the opportunity to access the funds you need, but, as a business owner, you should carefully examine the potential risks associated with this approach. Look at the new debt burden, cash flow demands, potential for default, and the total repayment timeline before deciding if a second business loan is a suitable fit for your organization.

How many business loans can you have at once?

How many business loans can you have at once?

How many business loans can you get? The answer is that it depends. The number of business loans you can hold at one time depends on several factors. The main considerations include your credit score, the amount of capital you have available to invest in the venture, the size of the loan, and the industry you are in. Many lenders will not offer more than one loan to a single borrower. This is due to the increased risk for the lender and the potential for default.

The business lending industry follows generally accepted guidelines for piggyback loans, which are multiple loans taken out on the same collateral within a specific timeframe. The Centers for Industry Research and Standards (CIRS) notes that piggyback loans should not exceed 75% of the collateral’s value. For example, if your collateral is a building worth $2,000,000, the maximum loan amount is $1,500,000. The remaining $500,000 may be used to secure additional financing from other lenders.

As a borrower, consider the total cost of all the loans when planning your business financing strategy. Secondary loans can be a great way to make use of the value of existing assets, but they can also be costly in terms of interest payments. Remember to research and calculate the total cost before taking out multiple loans.

The lending industry follows specific criteria for secondary loan limits. Generally speaking, lenders will not allow a single borrower to have more than three loans at one time. Depending on the amount of the loans, your FICO and DUNS scores, and the creditworthiness of your industry, taking out three loans or more is entirely possible.

Whichever the case, we advise that you consult with an experienced business lending advisor before taking out multiple loans. Since there are numerous factors to consider, a seasoned loan consultant familiar with your industry can give you a better sense of the risks associated with taking out multiple loans and help you plan a reliable long-term growth strategy.

In addition to the loan limit, being aware of the regulations in your state and industry is critical. Some states have specific laws governing the number of loans a single borrower can have at any given time. Before taking out any new secondary financing, refer to your local regulatory guidelines to ensure compliance with all the necessary lending standards.

The most common types of second business loans

The need for additional business financing usually arises after business owners have already leveraged popular options such as conventional bank loans and credit cards. While these are often the go-to choices for business owners, there are several other loan types that shouldn’t be overlooked when you need additional funding. The four most common second business loan types are merchant cash advances, invoice factoring, equipment financing, and business lines of credit.

A merchant cash advance is one of the most common second loan types available and allows for a business to borrow a pre-determined amount of money in exchange for a percentage of future sales. Invoice factoring doesn’t just offer businesses an influx of immediate cash. It also allows the time that would normally be spent chasing down late payments to be focused on other more productive tasks.

Equipment financing options are beneficial when large purchases are necessary as they allow companies to buy now and pay later. Lastly, a business line of credit loan is an effective business finance tool since it lets a business borrow and lend as needed—up to a specified limit or amount.

Considering all of your available options for second business loans?

Connect with New Bridge Merchant Capital business lending consultant today to ensure you receive the best possible terms on your secondary financing. New Bridge Merchant Capital equips companies like yours with the expert advice and premium lending services you need to ensure you make the right decision before opening a second business loan account.

Apply online today, or contact us now at 844-228-0593 to learn more about pricing and our secondary business loan services.

Inventory-Secured Loans: How to Finance Your Inventory and Receive the Best Terms

Inventory-Secured Loans: How to Finance Your Inventory and Receive the Best Terms

Maintaining sufficient working capital is among the primary challenges small business owners face in today’s unpredictable economic clime. When your cash flow starts flagging, seemingly without notice, access to fast funding might appear daunting at first. But luckily, there are several sources of alternative business funding you may not have considered yet, one of which is inventory financing.

In this article, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive overview of inventory financing, its suitability to different business types and applications, its associated pros and cons, and best practices for applying for an inventory-secured loan. By the end, you’ll have sufficient knowledge to make an informed decision about whether or not inventory financing is right for you.

What is inventory financing?

What is inventory financing?

Inventory financing can be an excellent choice for business owners who need quick solutions for replenishing their stock. This loan product represents a type of short-term borrowing solution that gives businesses an opportunity to purchase inventory they can’t pay for upfront at an affordable rate.

The concept is fairly simple. Any inventory you purchase, as well as your existing stock, serves as collateral for the loan. Should your business default on the finance payments, the assets you staked can be collected by the lender to cover any potential losses.

The nice thing about inventory financing is that it’s customizable pursuant to your business needs. You can expect this financing type to come with several unique financial terms engineered to meet your specific requirements and strategic objectives.

The lending terms can vary, with payoff lengths from three months up to three years or more. Borrowers may opt for a set or variable annual percentage rate (APR). Depending on the lending institution, inventory financing term loans, for example, can start as low as $20,000 and go up to $1 million for qualified businesses. Some creditors may allow you to borrow up to 100 percent of your inventory’s value, as well.

Since inventory financing can be tailored to your specific needs, you’ll usually find ample flexibility when it comes to selecting your ideal loan terms. For business owners who need an adaptable financing solution, inventory financing often serves as a reliable long-term option.

This financing type is a great way to build your business through the acquisition of new inventory that you may not have the capital to cover. With the guidance of a business finance expert at New Bridge Merchant Capital, business owners will find identifying and securing an efficient and cost-effective inventory financing option that can be custom tailored to meet their unique business needs.

Which types of business benefit from inventory financing?

Inventory financing is, of course, by implication, best suited to businesses that sell tangible products. It helps ensure your shelves are well-stocked, even in the face of an unexpected financial shortfall.

Inventory financing lenders help companies like yours maintain healthy cash flow while they increase their stock levels. While inventory financing is primarily orientated toward retail stores, wholesalers, and specialty shops, it also offers seasonal businesses a reliable means of boosting their cash flows.

This financing type works by allowing companies to use the value of their inventory as collateral for the proposed funding. The funding structure is generally flexible, and certain lenders may focus on specific types of businesses.

To qualify you for inventory financing, lenders typically assess your financial track record rather than the items you aim to sell. The traditional approval process could make inventory financing less suitable for startups buying inventory for the first time or those with no prior sales.

The possibility of attain an inventory financing loan when you’re first starting out is, by no means, excluded, however, when you consider alternative lending sources. Regardless of who you choose to finance your inventory, this method of borrowing can help you build your business credit and generate short-term working capital to leverage long-term growth.

When should you consider inventory financing?

When should you consider inventory financing?

Any established business that needs to stay well-stocked and increase its inventory levels should consider inventory financing. It’s suitable for several business types, including retailers, wholesalers, and specialty stores. It may also be an effective solution for businesses that experience seasonal fluctuations in demand and need to cover their expenses during the off-season.

Inventory financing lenders assess your business’s financial track record rather than the individual goods you stock. As mentioned, this can make the option less suitable if you’re just starting out.

However, before discounting this option entirely, it’s worth consulting with a reputable business lender to see if you can still qualify for inventory financings or other alternative funding solutions, such as a business credit card, merchant capital advance, or secured term loan.

Inventory financing is a dependable way to sustain a healthy cash flow while expanding your inventory levels to increase sales. But remember to never underestimate the importance of working with credible inventory financing lenders that understand your industry and can provide the right terms to meet your specific requirements. You should also weigh your inventory financing options carefully against other alternative financing solutions to ensure there isn’t a better loan product for your application.

The different types of inventory financing

Many small businesses rely on short-term funding to restock their shelves and pay for supplies upfront, which is why inventory financing has proven vital for managing a stable and profitable business. There are essentially two traditional inventory financing options: loans secured by inventory, or inventory equity loans, and term loans. Both have advantages and disadvantages, and the effectiveness of the financing depends on the season and fiscal health of your company.

For example, inventory financing has grown popular because it allows business owners to use their inventory as collateral to secure a loan from lenders. This type of loan also allows lower credit scores when compared to other loan options, making it among the more accessible short-term financing solutions for low-credit or no-credit business owners. These loans tend to carry a higher interest rate, however, which is why you should explore all your options before committing to any one product.

Unsecured term loans, on the other hand, do not require you to stake personal or business collateral. This loan type usually benefits customers with higher credit scores who are in a good position to take advantage of the lowest borrowing costs. With that mentioned, since the loans are unsecured, they traditionally have stiffer credit requirements than secured loans and, in some cases, higher interest rates.

Alternatives to inventory financing include merchant cash advances, lines of credit, and accounts receivable financing, which many often misconstrued as inventory financing. These alternatives can be more expensive than traditional inventory financing solutions. Nonetheless, they typically entail a streamlined application process for unconventional borrowers who need fast access to working capital.

Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of inventory-secured financing will help you decide on which option best suits your needs. Whether it’s traditional inventory financing or an alternative solution, business owners should take the time to consider every available loan product to ensure the best results.

Loans secured by inventory advantages and disadvantages

While traditional inventory financing is a popular option for many small business owners, the decision to pursue this type of financing must be carefully evaluated. It can provide capital for increased inventory purchases or prevent cash flow issues. It’s not entirely without its downsides, however.

Inventory lines of credit and inventory term loans are generally considered “traditional” inventory financing. Your inventory secures these loans, and the maximum dispersal amount depends on the value of the goods you’re staking as collateral.

In many cases, down payments of around 20 percent may be required before securing the financing. Borrowers must repay the loan in a timely manner, or the inventory is subject to repossession. Likewise, you may be required to use specific fulfillment centers in order to qualify for the loan.

When it comes to satisfying the obligation, you’ll make monthly installments, or the lender may collect a percentage of your sales. It’s also common for a fixed fee to be charged instead of interest, resulting in APRs (annual percentage rates) often surpassing 100 percent. Further alternatives to traditional inventory financing include alternative bank lines of credit, merchant cash advances, and secured and unsecured term loans.

Now that you have the gist of how conventional inventory financing works let’s take a look at a few different popular alternatives to traditional inventory financing:

Lines of credit

Lines of credit give you access to the funds required to replenish your inventory as needed. You can use your inventory as collateral. Or, if you qualify, apply for an unsecured line to cover your operating costs.

Lines of credit require a few more steps than inventory finance loans, however, because you’ll likely have to hand the payment over to the manufacturer yourself. This can make the option more labor-intensive than traditional inventory financing, one reason why some prefer the latter over the former.

Compared to inventory financing fees, the costs to open and maintain a line of credit are usually less expensive. Credit lines typically have an interest rate rather than a fixed fee. Nevertheless, credit lines from online lenders may have higher rates – with APRs reaching as high as 80 percent or more in some cases.

Term loans

A term loan provides a one-time lump sum to be repaid in intervals over a specified time, plus interest. A term loan is a suitable financing option for businesses that do not often require inventory financing or don’t routinely take advantage of it.

Like a line of credit, you can stake your inventory as collateral for the loan. Assuming you qualify, you might also pursue an unsecured term loan that requires no collateral and shifts more risk onto the lender than secured financing.

It’s worth noting that, while the term loan gives you access to funds for attaining additional stock, unlike inventory financing, you are still responsible for paying your suppliers directly, and it may take more time to obtain the inventory itself.

Merchant cash advances

Lenders provide merchant cash advances based on the average monthly sales for businesses that serve customers, such as retailers. Business owners will receive a percentage of their average monthly sales up front and pay it back with a portion of their daily sales plus a fixed fee.

One of the primary upsides to merchant cash advances is that creditors rarely require credit checks or business seasoning. Merchant cash advances are among the most expensive business financing types, however, accruing APRs regularly reaching 300 percent.

The daily payments can be inflexible, as well. Seasoned business owners should, therefore, consider all their lending options before committing to a merchant cash advance since the costs can be high.

How to secure inventory financing

How to secure inventory financing

Inventory financing is an essential and viable solution to attain working capital, but it’s equally important to remember you have access to several other effective funding solutions. Inventory loans, secured by inventory and accounts receivable, are suitable for businesses operating in competitive and cyclical markets where timely financing for inventory purchases is crucial.

This approach to borrowing can help you manage cash flow and stay ahead of your industry counterparts. While inventory financing has its benefits, there are a few disadvantages, like higher borrowing costs and a lack of flexibility with your repayment options. It’s, therefore, crucial that you weigh the pros and cons and explore all your options before securing any business financing.

The experienced lending consultants at New Bridge Merchant Capital can guide you through the process of evaluating whether inventory financing is right for you. We can help you assess a diverse range of small business financing products, including alternative bank lines of credit, merchant cash advances, and secured and unsecured term loans.

Our decades of exposure to the business lending space can put your organization on the path to success, while our financing solutions deliver creative, customized options to businesses across several industries.

Searching for the right loan to secure your business inventory needs?

If you have additional questions on how to finance inventory, dial 844-228-0593 to speak with a New Bridge Merchant Capital lending consultant or apply online now. We’ll guide you through our full suite of business lending solutions that can help you take the next step towards expanding your footprint and securing stable, long-term profits.

The Complete Guide to Contractor Financing

The Complete Guide to Contractor Financing

If you own a construction business, you’re likely already aware that cash flow management is fundamental to ensuring successful outcomes. Since labor and material costs have risen exponentially, many contractors struggle to secure financing from conventional banks and other traditional lenders because of the increased risk.

Fortunately, if this sounds like you, the team at New Bridge Merchant Capital has put together this comprehensive guide covering everything you need to know about contractor financing so you can quickly access the required funds to finish your upcoming projects.

In the following sections, you’ll learn about the advantages and drawbacks of popular contractor financing solutions in addition to how you can safely secure the working capital you need to successfully fulfill your proposals. Whether you’re working with a tight timeline, have a complex upcoming project, or seeking contractor financing for the first time, this guide has you covered.

How many business loans can you have at once?

How does contractor financing work?

Access to capital is one of the most critical yet challenging aspects of the construction industry. Paying for labor, materials, equipment, and other expenses before invoices are collected can make all the difference between running a successful operation and permanently shuttering.

For some industries, traditional contractor financing companies offer a reliable source of low-interest working capital. However, because of the rising costs and inherent risks associated with construction, such as lengthy collection cycles and retainage funds, it can take years to secure financing, and smaller construction companies often have difficulty accessing these funds at all.

Fortunately, specialized contractor financing banks and alternative business lenders like New Bridge Merchant Capital provide funding solutions to the construction industry that help them complete their projects on time and as agreed. By taking advantage of alternative lending services, construction businesses can stay afloat as they coordinate their successful outcomes.

Identifying the right financing source and getting access to suitable financing ensures that your construction business has the capabilities to thrive in today’s ever-shifting contracting market. Working with a trusted business lender is essential for any contractor and can shave off years of unnecessary effort and stress.

Financing options for contractors

Every seasoned builder knows that accessing suitable financing for their projects is imperative. Contractors, however, often face unique challenges when seeking financing options from traditional sources. To help ease the process, business banks like New Bridge Merchant Capital now offer several specialized financing alternatives to accommodate contractors.

For builders that need financial flexibility, these funding solutions can provide quick access to capital for larger proposals, sustained cash flow, and continued growth. With a multitude of emergent lending tools available, contractors can now confidently explore their financing options to access the most cost-efficient borrowing solutions that help manage their operations and bring their construction projects to completion.

Now, let’s take a look at some of the most popular financing options for contractors:

Invoice factoring

Invoice factoring is a common financing option for contractors. This is because it delivers a quick cash injection in exchange for your outstanding invoices. The process begins when the contractor sells the invoice to a factoring company, or factor, who, in turn, immediately issues a payment of 70-90% of the total invoice. The remainder of the invoice cost, minus a small fee, will then transfer to the contractor once the customer has settled the final payment with the factor.

Invoice financing has become a sought-after solution in recent years, owing to its ability to provide contractors with a near-instant influx of cash to cover their operating expenses after a shortfall. One of the primary benefits of invoice factoring is that payments are not set in place over the long term and are, therefore, adjustable to downward fluctuations in cash flow.

The only real downsides to factoring are that you need to provide the invoices that must be transmitted before the financing can be approved, and it can cut into your profit expectations for an indeterminable time. If the contractor can’t supply invoices to warrant the funding, they would still need to come up with sufficient capital to cover all costs associated with labor, materials, and equipment.

In this type of financing, the factor becomes the mediator of all activity, collecting money from the customer on the contractor’s behalf. Some business owners perceive this method as intrusive, as it can result in customers and partners feeling uncomfortable. In some cases, they may even refuse to participate in the arrangement. Likewise, the lack of regulation could lead to excessive or hidden fees, making it paramount to research companies before entering into a factoring agreement.

However, invoice factoring, on the whole, can be an effective financing solution for contractors that need fast access to working capital. Just remember to practice your due diligence when sourcing your ideal factoring solution to avoid excessive borrowing fees.

Equipment financing

Equipment Financing

Construction companies looking to purchase operational equipment to boost productivity should explore equipment financing as means of supplementing their budgets. A secured bank loan lets you use the equipment as collateral which could lead to a lower interest rate than what you would otherwise find with an unsecured lending product.

In most cases, the bank will require you to make a down payment and show proof of your creditworthiness by evidencing financial statements. Some lenders may finance up to 100% of the equipment’s value, and disbursement amounts depend on how much liquidity you have in the assets. When you apply for this type of financing, the better your credit, the better rate you’ll receive.

The pros of equipment financing include access to lower interest rates and the potential for increased productivity from the machinery that can help offset borrowing costs. On the downside, you may be required to make a substantial down payment and will likely be subject to a credit check before your loan can be approved. Furthermore, should you default on your payments, the lender reserves the right to seize the equipment you’ll need to continue operating.

Equipment financing can be a viable option for companies in construction and other industries that need to upgrade their equipment. However, the right choice will always hinge on your unique requirements and risk tolerance.

Project cost financing

For smaller companies operating in the construction sector, securing the best financing for contractors upfront in the current lending environment poses several unique challenges. Fortunately, emergent solutions from alternative lenders specializing in construction can provide customized loan products to meet your specific requirements. Materials financing benefits contractors who want to expand their footprint and take on larger, more costly projects that can lead to greater profits.

Material purchases play a significant role in the cost of any construction project, eliminating the need to pay out of pocket or access a line of credit. A third-party provider pays the supplier on the contractor’s behalf, granting extended payment limits of up to 120 days.

Credit checks and financial statements may be unnecessary, as well, since the provider bases approvals on the creditworthiness of the project rather than the contractor. Generally, project cost financing offers higher spending limits, allowing the contractor to take on additional responsibilities without depleting their funds.

While you may encounter financing costs for the services rendered, those looking for the flexibility of low payments and the convenience of upfront project costs will likely still find material financing an attractive option.

In many cases, suppliers will issue discounts for cash payments. So, for construction contractors needing access to financing, project cost financing can be a great way to access the requisite materials and resources needed to keep their projects moving forward.

Home improvement financing

Home improvement financing is a lending solution in which the contractor becomes an intermediary between the lender and the homeowner. Since the financing company pays the contractor up front, this type of construction loan enables contractors to provide services for projects that may be beyond the reach of homeowners with limited funds.

Often free for contractors, this financing type is especially beneficial to businesses pursuing urgent home improvement projects. Builders have the assurance that they’ll be compensated almost immediately, allowing them to focus on the job at hand instead of chasing down unpaid invoices.

However, there are certain restrictions to consider. Home improvement funding is only available for home improvement projects, and each financing package has a limited amount. Repayment terms depend entirely on the homeowner’s creditworthiness.

This means the contractor’s rate of return can be unpredictable. Home improvement financing is a viable option for contractors working with clients who have access to limited funds, however.

Lines of credit

A business line of credit is always a reliable funding source for contractors. It gives you access to capital as needed, and you only pay interest on the amounts borrowed. The ability to withdraw and repay the funds as necessary ensures that businesses can continue operating within their budget and financial capacity.

A line of credit can either be secured or unsecured. An unsecured line of credit won’t require you to provide collateral to back the loan. Although this may be a more attractive option because it is simpler and requires paperwork, you can expect to come with a considerably higher interest rate. Secured lines of credit, where you provide collateral to secure the loan, typically include a higher credit limit and a lower interest rate.

Despite its many benefits, there are a few risks associated with business lines of credit to be aware of. They generally have a higher interest rate than a traditional loan, and borrowing costs are usually higher. Likewise, before getting approved for a line of credit, lenders require you to demonstrate an exceptional financial history and a strong credit score.

A business line of credit can be an extremely effective option for virtually any construction company. It gives you instant and ongoing access to funds as required, and secured options offer attractive interest rates. Once you evaluate the risks, a line of credit can be an invaluable source of working capital.

Equipment Financing

The pros and cons of contractor financing

If you have any experience with business borrowing, you already understand the challenges associated with contractor financing. It can be a gamble for traditional lenders that consider a multitude of factors when evaluating your credit risk. However, several new options have subsequently surfaced in the lending industry in response to this phenomenon.

And while many may seem appealing at first glance, some options can prove to be cost-prohibitive for contractors operating on thin margins. Factoring and merchant cash advances, for example, are potential solutions that produce quick results. But these options fall outside the realm of traditional lending and are not subject to the same regulatory environment.

With that aside, you’ll find several constructive methods for financing your building projects, and these options can help your company become more financially sound. Working with a trusted business loan adviser who is well-versed in construction lending and has access to the latest alternative financing will be able to set you on the right path.

A proper contractor financing solution frees up invaluable working capital and improves the cash flow of your forthcoming projects. Not only does it help mitigate risk, but it also positions you better to bid on larger projects and take advantage of more seasonal opportunities.

Here are a few more pros and cons to consider:



  • Frees up valuable working capital
  • Decreases risk for large projects
  • Streamlines cash flow
  • Seasonal opportunities



  • Lack of regulation
  • Costs can be higher than expected
  • Credit risk analysis can be complex and time-consuming

Getting approved for contractor financing

Getting qualified for contractor financing starts by convincing a lender that you can repay the money they supply. Business loan service providers are increasingly looking at more than just financial statements and credit scores when assessing creditworthiness.

Traditional sources of financing, such as bank loans and trade credit, still require a review of the contractor’s credit score and financial statements. Working closely with your financial manager or accountant is vital to ensuring an accurate reporting process, which can eventually help builders like you qualify for low-cost financing.

Securing the best financing options necessitates developing a good credit history, staying organized, and presenting accurate financial statements to your preferred lender. When you effectuate the strategies we’ve outlined here and consult with an expert business loan advisor, you can vastly improve your odds of qualifying for contractor financing.

Need help sourcing the ideal funding solution for your construction company?

As a small business owner, you’ll find more lending options available to meet your objectives than ever before, and New Bridge Merchant Capital can help you find the ideal solution to fund your next project. For more on our complete suite of business loan products, apply online to see what you qualify for. Or, for current loan pricing, call us now at 844-228-0593.

How to Secure Fast Low Credit Funding Solutions for Your Small Business

How to Secure Fast Low Credit Funding Solutions for Your Small Business

Positive cash flow is the lifeblood of every company. Without adequate access to resources and capital, many small businesses consistently struggle to expand their footprints, cover their operating expenses after a shortfall, and maintain a competitive posture within their respective industries.

Fortunately, alternative lending solutions from New Bridge Merchant Capital offer businesses like yours several fast, low-credit funding solutions that can get your organization back on a positive growth trajectory.

Smaller companies now have access to a diverse range of alternative business financing products, including bad credit loans for business owners. Qualification for these loans depends on your creditworthiness, the size of your business, and your respective industry.

Short-term loans, lines of credit, equipment financing, inventory financing, and other financial instruments can all provide companies with the capital they need to reinvest in their operations and continue driving business revenue and growth.

The alternative lending market offers companies like yours convenient payment schedules and more flexible funding solutions than conventional banks. When you leverage the right business funding solutions, you’ll posture your small business to remain competitive for years to come.

In the following sections, this guide will cover the various funding options available to small businesses to help financial decision-makers select the best loan products for their unique business applications.

The Path to Prosperity: New Jersey Small Business Loans Made Easy

The current landscape for small business funding

Small businesses have always been vital to the US economy, but traditional methods of accessing small business funds have become increasingly difficult since the financial crisis of 2008. The average business owner is expected to continue to face a host of challenges when it comes to securing financing that can help their companies thrive amid the ongoing economic uncertainty.

Among the most significant obstacles small business owners will face this year is access to fast working capital. Banks and other traditional lenders will likely remain reticent to lend when it comes to small businesses.

Fortunately, alternative financing options are available. Low-credit funding solutions, such as invoice factoring, merchant cash advances, and asset-based lending, each give small business owners an opportunity to access the funds they need to cover their essential expenses and expand their operations.

Alternative business lending solutions are designed to be more accessible than traditional bank loans and can provide financing quickly and with little required paperwork. These fast business funding options, likewise, provide a viable option for companies that cannot qualify for traditional bank loans. By taking advantage of these solutions, small business owners can get the funding they need to launch and expand their operations.

Evaluating the benefits and costs of small business lending

Smaller companies often need access to additional capital to keep up with the demands of their customers and the rapidly evolving economic clime. Taking out a small business loan can be an effective way to encounter fast capital. However, business owners still need to carefully weigh the benefits and costs of taking out a potentially expensive loan.

When evaluating the benefits and costs of taking out a small business loan, it’s important to consider the short and long-term implications of the finance offer. In the short term, a loan can provide the capital necessary to make necessary investments in the business, such as purchasing new equipment or hiring additional employees.

This can be instrumental in helping your company meet its short- and long-term financial objectives. This access to fast working capital solutions undeniably helps businesses become more profitable and stable while introducing technologies, such as automation, that enhance their flexibility and adaptability.

Nonetheless, it’s important to understand the potentially high expenses associated with taking out a loan, such as the interest rate, closing costs, and repayment terms. The interest rate and fees can vary depending on the lender and the type of loan taken out.

Doing sufficient research to find the most competitive loan offer is therefore crucial. It’s no less important to carefully consider the repayment terms to ensure you can pay the loan back without putting too much pressure on your operating budget. Remember that the best loan products for your purposes may not always come with the lowest rates, as well.

Small business loans can be a great way to access additional capital, but it’s no less important for business owners to carefully consider the benefits and costs of the loan before making a final decision. Doing the necessary legwork in advance and understanding the short and long-term implications of accepting a lending offer is the best approach for assuring you make an informed decision about whether or not taking out a loan is the right choice for your business.

What are the alternatives to conventional business financing

The business lending market has endured significant changes over the last three years alone. The evolution of business lending has been especially evident with the emergence of low-credit alternatives to conventional business funding.

This post-2008 shift introduced countless new opportunities for businesses to obtain additional working capital, even those that may have had difficulty securing traditional financing.

Alternative business lending is an innovative form of financing designed to help businesses access capital quickly and after minimal paperwork. These lenders focus on providing capital to business owners who may not otherwise be able to secure financing.

Those with a limited credit history or high-risk profiles will likely encounter restricted funding options through conventional lending channels, if any. The emergence of alternative lending solutions means you can still get the funds to finance upcoming expansion projects and meet other operational requirements without engaging in a lengthy and arduous loan application process at a traditional bank.

The increased cost of traditional business loans, which can be cost-prohibitive for some businesses, and the fact that most legacy financial institutions are unwilling to take in the risk has undoubtedly complicated the business lending market.

Luckily, New Bridge Merchant Capital offers more flexible repayment terms, allowing businesses like yours to streamline cash flow management and avoid the lengthy approval process you’ll encounter at traditional banks.

Trusted alternative business lending partners make it easier for their customers to obtain quick financing after minimal hassle. The extra working capital will strengthen your existing customer relationships, attract new clientele, and safeguard your business against unexpected economic events that result in a financial shortfall.

Many analysts agree that the emergence of low-credit alternatives to conventional business funding has been a wholly positive development for small businesses and the wider economy.

Access to more flexible financing options means your organization can get the capital it needs to grow and thrive under virtually any economic conditions. The extra working capital alternative lenders supply will make it easier to extend your reach and deepen existing customer relationships.

Lowering your operating costs in the post-COVID economy

The coronavirus pandemic has brought a lot of uncertainty and financial hardship to small businesses, and these impacts have effectively disqualified many organizations from attaining conventional bank funding.

With the economy still struggling from the impacts of COVID-19, implementing cost-cutting measures to reduce expenditures is paramount. There are essentially four ways your small businesses get can started on this right now.

If you’re unsure whether or not you can access funding at the moment, but know you’ll need it in the future, start trying to improve your credit and financial situation by reviewing your monthly expenses and looking for ways to cut your current costs.

Likewise, you should attempt to negotiate better terms with vendors and draft new, more favorable agreements between your external partners and you. Review your pricing structure and consider raising prices to offset your higher expenses.

The second approach is to look for ways to streamline operations and make the most of existing resources. This includes automating processes and leveraging technology to reduce manual tasks and increase efficiencies.

Thirdly, you should be strategizing to find ways to increase your existing customer base. Leverage online marketing and social media to reach new customers and create awareness about your business. You can also focus on customer retention and loyalty programs to encourage repeat customers.

And, lastly, look for ways to minimize capital expenditures and focus on more economical solutions. Consider leasing instead of buying assets and look for ways to use existing equipment more efficiently.

There are ways small businesses can optimize their resources during uncertain times. By focusing on cost-cutting measures and finding ways to increase efficiency, you can keep your operations afloat, even under turbulent economic conditions.

Alternative sources of capital for low-credit small businesses

Small businesses frequently struggle to remain competitive and profitable in today’s unpredictable marketplace. This is true even when they’ve taken steps to strengthen their financial and credit profiles. With traditional forms of financing becoming increasingly difficult to secure, small businesses can benefit considerably from exploring alternative funding solutions.

One increasingly popular option is a merchant capital advance or MCA -a reliable choice for businesses that process a heavy supply of credit card transactions. A merchant capital advance is a form of financing that lets you take an advance against future credit card sales.

This financing type is the preferred choice for many small businesses because it is easier to obtain than traditional financing, and the terms are flexible. Merchant capital advances are based on your current and future credit card sales. If you can evidence a history of profitable credit card transactions, you won’t necessarily need perfect credit to qualify for an MCA.

Business owners looking to take advantage of a merchant capital advance should keep a few important points in mind. For starters, the MCA is always structured as a percentage of the company’s future credit card sales, so the amount of financing available depends on the amount of credit card transactions the business processes.

Merchant capital advances can be an effective option for small businesses heavy in credit card transactions. It is easier to obtain an MCA than traditional financing. MCAs are more flexible than conventional loans, making the solution an attractive option for businesses seeking alternative financing.

With that mentioned, business owners should always understand the terms of the agreement before signing any contracts and be aware of the prospectively higher interest rates associated with this type of financing.

Ensure you can repay any borrowed funds

The ability to repay borrowed funds is a crucial factor in the success of any company. Whether you are a startup or a long-standing business, ensure you can repay any loans you sign. This is especially true if you’re using borrowing as a last resort attempt to keep your business afloat.

Alternative lending solutions help companies borrow funds quickly, but a struggling operation incurring more debt is hardly without its risks. The capital injection can, however, provide businesses with the necessary funds to help keep them afloat after a shortfall.

Alternative lending consultants can also offer guidance on choosing repayment options and interpreting loan terms. Their advice will help businesses get the funds they need without getting into a situation in which they’re unable to repay the loan.

Knowing that you can repay borrowed business funds before taking out a loan protects your business. Alternative finance specialists can give companies like yours the necessary capital it needs while, at the same time, providing expert consultation on selecting the most profitable loan products.

When should you consider unsecured bad credit business loans?

The initial step in deciding whether or not to take out an unsecured business loan for bad credit is to assess your current financial situation. Evaluate your current cash flows and expenses to determine if a loan is even necessary. Consider if the loan will provide enough fiscal enhancement to make a difference, and ask yourself if the borrowing costs are within reason.

Before taking out an unsecured business loan for bad credit, remember to research the lenders and compare their terms and rates. The loan should be affordable, and the creditor must be reputable with an established track record. The right decision ultimately depends on the unique financial situation and goals.

Apply for competitive low-credit funding today

Business owners should consider low-credit funding to help them break through financial hurdles. Low-credit funding can be a much-needed lifeline for businesses with bad credit and can provide the capital needed to get their business up and running again.

Are you a business owner and believe alternative low-credit funding is the right option for your company? If so, dial 844-228-0593 now to connect with a senior business lending specialist and learn more about our alternative small business lending solutions.