The Top 5 Industries for Merchant Cash Advances

The Top 5 Industries for Merchant Cash Advances

No two businesses are truly alike, and that is why there are many loan options out there. In a similar vein, due to the number of loan products, you can’t expect them to be one-size-fits-all. In fact, there are some loan products, like Merchant Cash Advances (MCAs) that are better suited for some industries than others. Let’s find out the top industries for MCAs and how MCAs can benefit such businesses.


Key Takeaways


  • Merchant Cash Advances (MCAs) provide quick, flexible financing, ideal for businesses facing cash flow fluctuations or urgent capital needs.
  • MCAs are suitable for covering operational expenses, inventory purchases, payroll, unexpected costs, seasonal fluctuations, and overcoming credit challenges.
  • The top industries for MCAs include restaurants, transportation, retail companies, healthcare, and auto repair and body shops.
  • Businesses can apply for MCAs with New Bridge Merchant Capital, a trusted New Jersey provider specializing in tailored financial solutions.


What are MCAs?

A Merchant Cash Advance (MCA) is a loan option that is ideal for small businesses who require access to capital. Unlike a traditional loan, a MCA acts as an advance on future revenue and credit card sales. This makes MCAs ideal for those moments when you need to fill a cash flow gap to ensure no snags are hit.


A MCA works as such: When you apply for a Merchant Cash Advance, you are essentially selling future revenue for its upfront value. The MCA provider sets a small percentage tied to future revenue and will make daily or weekly debits until the amount to be repaid is collected in full.


MCAs are expressed as factor rates, not interest rates. A factor rate is essentially a multiplier that is used to determine the repayment amount. For instance, if you borrow $5,000 and the factor rate is 1.5, you end up repaying $7,500.

Key Industry Statistics About Merchant Cash Advances

When Should You Get an MCA?

Merchant Cash Advances (MCAs) are beneficial for businesses that experience inconsistent cash flow or need immediate access to capital. Here are scenarios where an MCA might be ideal:


  • Covering Operational Expenses: Businesses with fluctuating revenues, like restaurants or retail stores, may struggle to cover operational costs during slow periods. MCAs provide necessary funds for utilities, rent, and other expenses, ensuring smooth operations.
  • Inventory Purchases: Retail businesses needing to stock up on seasonal inventory or new product lines can benefit from MCAs. This funding allows for bulk purchasing discounts or preparation for high-demand periods without waiting for traditional loan approval.
  • Managing Payroll: Ensuring timely employee payment is crucial for maintaining morale and productivity. Businesses with temporary cash flow shortages can use MCAs to meet payroll obligations promptly, preventing workforce disruptions.
  • Handling Unexpected Costs: Emergencies and unexpected expenses can arise at any time. Whether it’s repairing equipment, covering sudden supply cost increases, or other unforeseen needs, an MCA provides quick access to funds, allowing businesses to handle these situations effectively.
  • Seasonal Fluctuations: Businesses with seasonal revenue patterns, such as those in tourism or retail, need to bridge gaps between high and low sales periods. MCAs provide the financial cushion needed to maintain operations during off-peak seasons.
  • Avoiding Long Approval Processes: Traditional loans can take weeks or months to approve, which is not ideal for immediate cash needs. MCAs offer a streamlined process with quick approval and funding.
  • Limited or Poor Credit History: For businesses with limited or poor credit, securing traditional financing can be challenging. MCAs are based on future sales rather than credit, providing an accessible funding option.


The Top 5 Industries for Merchant Cash Advances

Now let’s take a look at the industries that benefit most from Merchant Cash Advances:

Why Restaurants Should Consider Merchant Cash Advances as Working Capital Solutions

1. Restaurants

Restaurants frequently experience fluctuating revenue due to seasonality, changing consumer trends, and other factors such as holidays and weather conditions. These businesses often face slow periods that can strain their cash flow. Merchant Cash Advances (MCAs) provide an ideal solution by offering quick access to capital, which can be used to cover operational costs such as payroll, rent, and utilities during off-peak seasons. Additionally, MCAs can fund expansion projects like opening a new location, upgrading kitchen equipment, or launching marketing campaigns to attract more customers.


2. Transportation

The transportation industry, which includes taxi services, logistics firms, and trucking companies, operates with high operational costs and fluctuating income streams. Fuel costs, vehicle maintenance, licensing fees, and unexpected repairs are significant expenses that can impact cash flow. MCAs offer a flexible financing option for these businesses, allowing them to cover these ongoing expenses without waiting for long payment cycles. This immediate access to capital ensures that transportation companies can maintain their operations smoothly and efficiently, even during periods of irregular cash flow.

3. Retail Companies

Retail businesses often require substantial capital to manage inventory purchases, seasonal stock adjustments, marketing campaigns, and store renovations. These needs can create financial stress, especially during slow sales periods. MCAs provide retail businesses with quick and convenient access to funds, helping them maintain optimal inventory levels, invest in marketing strategies to boost sales, and undertake renovations to enhance the shopping experience. By securing an MCA, retail businesses can avoid disruptions in their cash flow and continue to grow and adapt to market demands.


4. Healthcare

Healthcare providers, including medical clinics, dental practices, and veterinary clinics, face unique financial challenges. They often need to invest in expensive medical equipment, manage high operational costs, and navigate fluctuating revenue streams due to insurance reimbursements and patient payments. MCAs offer a valuable financing option for healthcare providers, enabling them to invest in new technology, cover operating expenses, and bridge gaps in revenue during slower periods. This financial flexibility ensures that healthcare providers can continue to offer high-quality care without financial strain.

An Auto Accessories Shop in Coshocton, OH Accelerates with New Bridge Merchant Capital

5. Auto Repair and Body Shops

Merchant Cash Advances are a wonderful choice for business owners of auto body repair shops. An MCA saves you from term loans where you may have to put valuable equipment from your shop up as collateral, which won’t serve you well in the event that collateral needs to be confiscated.


Auto repair shops often have customers who use credit as a means to pay for larger repairs. Although cash flow can be inconsistent at times, auto body shops know for certain that insurance companies and customers will pay.


A MCA can help cover operation expenses, payroll, and replacement parts until customers or insurance companies pay for the said repairs.


Apply for an MCA Today with a New Jersey Business Loan Provider

If you’re a business owner in need of fast and flexible financing, consider applying for a Merchant Cash Advance with New Bridge Merchant Capital. Our team specializes in providing tailored financial solutions to businesses across various industries, including auto repair and body shops. Contact us by filling out the online form or calling us at 844-228-0593 today to explore your options and secure the funding your business deserves.

Reverse Consolidation: What Is It & How Does It Work?

Reverse Consolidation: What Is It & How Does It Work?

When you operate a small business, there is always a chance that you are going to need a bit of extra working capital to get things done. There are numerous loan options out there for you to apply for, but not all of them are going to be swift and convenient. One option known as a Merchant Cash Advance (MCA), however, is fast, efficient, and more flexible in terms of repayment, including reverse consolidation. If you are interested in getting an MCA, knowing more about reverse consolidation, including what it is and how it works, is essential.


Key Takeaways


  • MCAs provide businesses with immediate working capital by offering a lump sum in exchange for a percentage of future sales.
  • Repayments are tied to daily credit card transactions or overall revenue.
  • Reverse consolidation is a financial strategy targeting short-term debts like MCAs, where multiple obligations are combined into a single loan or payment plan with improved terms.
  • Reverse consolidation offers benefits like improved cash flow, simplified financial management, potential for better terms, and enhanced credit profile.

What is a Merchant Cash Advance?

A merchant cash advance (MCA) is an option for gaining working captial that businesses can use almost immediately. An MCA works by providing you with a lump sum of money in exchange for a portion of your future sales. Unlike traditional loans, MCAs are repaid through a percentage of the business’s daily credit card transactions or overall revenue, resulting in flexible payments that vary with sales volume. This makes MCAs particularly attractive for businesses with fluctuating incomes, as repayments adjust according to daily revenue.


MCAs are popular among small businesses due to the rapid approval process and the minimal qualification requirements. Furthermore, most MCA lenders focus more how well your business performs rather than collateral or credit scores.


What is Reverse Consolidation?

Reverse consolidation, also known as debt consolidation, is a financial strategy where multiple debts or financial obligations are combined into a single loan or payment plan with more favorable terms. Unlike traditional consolidation, where debts are merged into one to simplify payments, reverse consolidation specifically targets high-frequency, short-term debts like Merchant Cash Advances (MCAs). In the context of MCAs, reverse consolidation involves bundling multiple advances into a single loan with a longer repayment period and potentially lower interest rates. This process aims to alleviate the financial strain caused by frequent MCA repayments, providing businesses with a more manageable repayment structure and improved cash flow.


How Does Reverse Consolidation Work?

Reverse consolidation works by helping you extend the loan repayment term. In other words, your business gets more wiggle room. Reverse consolidation is especially useful when you are experiencing tighter cash flow than usual or when certain products and/or services are underperforming. By utilizing reverse consolidation, you can reduce the payments by 40% to 60%.


But how does a reverse consolidation work exactly? A reverse consolidation opens a larger loan with a new lender that pays towards the MCA by lengthening the repayment period and giving you a chance to pay smaller amounts back. The overall process requires you to look at the existing debt, consolidating it into a single loan (if you have more than one MCA open), and then making a single payment on the new unified loan.


Reverse Consolidation vs. Regular Consolidation

Regular and reverse consolidation are both methods of paying back a debt or, in this case, merchant cash advances. However, that is where the similarities end. A reverse consolidation continues paying back the MCA but with funds from another lender. Meanwhile, a regular consolidation provides you with the funds needed to pay back the MCA lender. In the end, the regular consolidation replaces the MCA with a different term loan.

What Are the Advantages of Merchant Cash Advances?

What are the Benefits of Reverse Consolidation?

For businesses that cannot pay back their loan on a daily or weekly basis, reverse consolidation can help make loans more flexible. Here are some other benefits of reverse consolidation that you should consider:


  • Improved Cash Flow: Reduces total daily/weekly payments and makes cash flow more predictable. Furthermore, this can free up cash flow for the business, making it easier to handle operational expenses.
  • Simplified Financial Management: Combines multiple payments into one, easing administrative burden and communication.
  • Better Terms: Potentially offers lower interest rates and extended repayment periods, reducing overall borrowing costs. Do keep in mind that consolidation may come with the option to extend the repayment period, which can lower the amount of each installment, although this could increase the total interest paid over time.
  • Enhanced Credit Profile: Helps avoid defaults, improving credit rating and future financing options. Consistently making consolidated payments on time can help improve a business’s credit profile, potentially making it easier to secure more favorable financing in the future.
  • Reduced Stress and Focus on Operations: Minimizes disruptions and allows business owners to focus more on core operations.


Contact an MCA Lender Today to Learn More

Knowing that you have options for repaying an MCA or multiple ones is useful in a number of ways. Not only does reverse consolidation alleviate some of the stress of repayment, but it also means that you have more than one way to repay your MCA loan.


When you are ready to free up some working capital and mitigate some stress of running a small business, reach out to New Bridge Merchant Capital. We offer a variety of loans, including MCAs, as well as flexibility and fewer requirements than traditional lenders. Get in touch with us today by calling 844-228-0593 or by filling out the online form. Let’s boost your business.

Case Study: How a Small Business Transformed with a Merchant Cash Advance?

Business is a competitive landscape, no matter your industry or where you are located. Amid creating a functioning business, you may wonder how to secure additional funds to do the things that need to be done to grow. However, it is possible—with the right lender and a Merchant Cash Advance (MCA). Let’s look at the case of a dental office in Methuen, MA, as well as its transform with the assistance of the team at New Bridge Merchant Capital. By the end, you will know if a MCA is right for your business, too!


Key Takeaways


  • Merchant Cash Advances offer upfront cash in exchange for a percentage of future credit card sales.
  • MCA repayment is based on daily credit card transactions and a predetermined factor rate.
  • MCAs can be used for various purposes, including working capital, expansion, addressing seasonal needs, emergencies, and opportunistic investments.
  • A $105,000 MCA transformed a dental office, enabling marketing, equipment upgrades, and service expansion, leading to increased capacity and growth.
  • Businesses considering MCAs can explore options with New Bridge Merchant Capital, benefiting from a quick application process and no penalties for early repayment.


What is a Merchant Cash Advance?

A Merchant Cash Advance (MCA) is a form of financing where a business receives a lump sum of cash in exchange for a percentage of its future credit card sales. It’s a popular option for businesses that have consistent credit card sales but may struggle with traditional loan approval processes or have unpredictable cash flow.


Here’s how it typically works:


  • Advance Amount: The lender provides the business with a lump sum of cash upfront. This amount is typically determined based on the business’s average monthly credit card sales.
  • Repayment Structure: Instead of fixed monthly payments, the lender collects repayment by taking a percentage of the business’s daily credit card sales. This means that repayment fluctuates with the business’s sales volume.
  • Factor Rate: The lender charges a factor rate, which is a multiplier applied to the advance amount to determine the total repayment amount. This factor rate is typically between 1.1 to 1.5, depending on various factors such as the risk level of the business.
  • Repayment Period: The repayment period varies but is usually shorter than traditional loans, ranging from a few months to a year or more.

What Can You Do With a Merchant Cash Advance?

A MCA is relatively flexible with how you can use it. Here are some of the ways a business can utilize a Merchant Cash Advance:


  • Working Capital: Businesses often use MCAs to cover short-term expenses and maintain cash flow. Whether it’s purchasing inventory, covering payroll, or managing unexpected expenses, MCAs provide quick access to capital.
  • Expansion and Growth: MCAs can be used to invest in business expansion initiatives such as opening new locations, launching marketing campaigns, or upgrading equipment and technology.
  • Seasonal Needs: Businesses with seasonal fluctuations in revenue can use MCAs to bridge gaps during slower periods or ramp up operations during peak seasons.
  • Emergency Funds: In times of crisis or unforeseen circumstances, such as natural disasters or economic downturns, MCAs can serve as emergency funds to keep the business afloat.
  • Opportunistic Investments: Some businesses use MCAs to seize time-sensitive opportunities, such as purchasing inventory at a discounted rate, securing a lucrative business deal, or taking advantage of expansion opportunities.


Case Study: Client’s Background

Now that you know a bit more about Merchant Cash Advances, let’s discuss the case of a dentist office in Menthuen, MA. Although the dental office had established itself as a reputable office within the community and had a solid reputation, it was struggling to expand. Despite having an endless stream of patients, the dentist office could not secure enough funds to realize its full potential. Traditional lending institutions presented limited options, with stringent criteria and lengthy approval processes, leaving the dental office at a standstill in its pursuit of expansion.


Challenges Faced


  • Limited Financial Resources: The dental office lacked the necessary funds to invest in crucial areas such as equipment upgrades, service expansion, and staff recruitment.
  • Traditional Lending Constraints: Conventional banks and lenders imposed strict eligibility criteria and prolonged application timelines, hindering the practice’s ability to access timely financing solutions.


Acknowledging that they needed an alternative to traditional lending, the Menthuen dentist office started to search online for lenders, eventually coming across New Bridge Merchant Capital.


How a Merchant Cash Advance Aided the Client

Turning to New Bridge Merchant Capital was a decision that ultimately turned things around for the dentist office and made those challenges a thing of the past. How so? New Bridge Merchant Capital offers a a swift and efficient application process, ensuring expedited access to funds to meet urgent business needs. Furthermore, recognizing the diversity of small businesses, New Bridge Merchant Capital offers bespoke financing that meets the requirements of the business and enables clients to pursue their objectives confidentally. Additionally, New Bridge Merchant Capital evaluates applications based on business performance rather than solely relying on credit scores, offering opportunities to businesses with varying credit histories.


Empowered by New Bridge Merchant Capital’s tailored financial solution, the dental office secured a $105,000 loan that changed the path of the business. With the funds that the Menthuen dentist secured, they were able to market, upgrade equipment, and expand their services. Finally, the goals the business had set out to achieve were doable, and now they are able to operate at a much higher capacity.


Contact New Bridge Merchant Capital Today to Learn if an MCA is Right For You

The case of the Methuen dental office exemplifies the transformative potential of strategic financing with New Bridge Merchant Capital. By overcoming financial constraints and leveraging tailored funding solutions, businesses can unlock new opportunities for growth and success, propelling them towards a brighter future in the competitive business landscape.


If you think a Merchant Cash Advance is right for you, consider contacting New Bridge Merchant Capital today to see what we can do for your business. The application process is quick and easy. There are plenty of options available and no penalties for paying your loan off early. Contact us today at 844-228-0593 or by filling out the online form

Boosting Your Business With a Merchant Cash Advance: Pros and Cons

As a small business, you are most likely eager to find ways to bolster your finances. Having some flexibility when it comes to funds is always advantageous, particularly when you need to upgrade equipment or renovate something at your physical location. However, not every small business is capable of receiving a term loan from a bank. That is why Merchant Cash Advances (MCAs) have become an option for many small business owners, as they enable quick cash in hand without a rigorous application process. Is a Merchant Cash Advance right for you? Let’s discuss the pros and cons to help you decide.


Key Takeaways


  • Merchant Cash Advances offer businesses quick access to capital without the need for extensive paperwork or collateral.
  • MCAs are not classified as loans but are instead cash advances, with repayment based on a percentage of daily sales.
  • Pros of MCAs include quick access to funds, flexible repayment terms, no collateral required, and a simple application process.
  • Cons of MCAs include high costs, potential impact on cash flow, limited eligibility criteria, potential for debt cycles, and lack of consumer protections.


What is a Merchant Cash Advance (MCA)?

Also known as an MCA, a Merchant Cash Advance is an alternative form of lending that does not come from a traditional bank or the Small Business Administration (SBA). Instead, an MCA allows for small business owners to receive a cash advance in exchange for a portion of future credit or debt card sales. The nature of MCAs makes them very flexible, which is good for business owners who need access to capital quickly and without all the paperwork. Since collateral is usually not required, MCAs are also more accessible to newer businesses.


How Does a Merchant Cash Advance Work?

You may noticed but Merchant Cash Advances are not loans in the traditional sense of the word. Instead they are indeed a cash advance. When you apply for a Merchant Cash Advance, the lender will look over your business’s receipts to figure out your financial state and dependability. Some lenders may review a business credit report, as well, but it is typically the sales that play the greatest role in getting you approved for a MCA.


If you are approved, the MCA lender will take an agreed upon percentage of the daily sales until your cash advance has been repaid. This percentage—known as a “holdback rate”—will range from 5% to 20%. The lender will retrieve their holdback rate through one of three methods:


  • Automatic Deduction: The MCA lender will withdraw the agreed amount from your credit or debit card after a sale. The better your credit or debit sales, the faster you repay your debt. If revenue drops, the amount you repay also decreases.
  • Direct ACH Withholding: The company will remove a fixed amount from your estimated monthly revenue directly from the business bank account until the cash advance has been repaid.
  • Lockbox or Trust Account: While funneling money through a third party, the MCA lender takes their share of your revenue then sends the remainder to your bank account.


What to Know About MCA Rates and Fees

Unlike traditional loans that collect interest, a Merchant Cash Advance accrues money with something known as a factor rate. The factor rate for MCAs can vary depending on the lender and the unique characteristics of your business, ranging from 1.10 to 1.5. Since MCAs fall outside the classification of traditional loans, the regulatory safeguards that cap rates and fees for banks may not apply to them. Consequently, MCA providers have the leeway to impose substantial fees, and some may not fully disclose these fees upfront.


Several factors influence the determination of your factor rate, including your industry, business tenure, personal and business credit scores, financial records, and debit and credit card revenue. Similar to other forms of financing, if your business appears to pose a higher risk, you may end up with a higher factor rate.


Apart from the factor rate, MCA providers may levy additional charges, such as an origination fee, which could reach up to $3,000. These ancillary fees can significantly augment the overall cost of your financing.


What are the Pros of MCAs?

Having learned a bit more about Merchant Cash Advances, let’s take a look at what makes MCAs a beneficial choice:

  • Quick Access to Funds: MCAs provide businesses with fast access to capital, often within a few days of approval, making them ideal for addressing urgent financial needs or seizing time-sensitive opportunities.
  • Flexible Repayment: Unlike traditional loans with fixed monthly payments, MCAs offer flexible repayment terms based on a percentage of daily credit card sales. This ensures that businesses repay more when sales are high and less during slower periods, easing cash flow management.
  • No Collateral Required: MCAs are typically unsecured, meaning businesses are not required to provide collateral to secure funding. This reduces the risk for businesses, especially those with limited assets to pledge as collateral.
  • No Fixed Monthly Payments: Since repayment is based on a percentage of daily credit card sales, there are no fixed monthly payments with MCAs. This can be beneficial for businesses with fluctuating revenue streams or seasonal fluctuations.
  • Simple Application Process: The application process for MCAs is usually straightforward and requires minimal documentation compared to traditional loans, allowing businesses to access funding quickly and with minimal hassle.


In short, MCAs are a flexible option that may be advantageous to businesses that do not meet the requirements of a traditional bank loan.


What are the Cons of MCAs?

Despite the numerous benefits of choosing a Merchant Cash Advance, you must also way the following downsides:


  • High Costs: MCAs often come with higher fees and interest rates compared to traditional loans, resulting in higher overall borrowing costs for businesses. The factor rate used to calculate repayment amounts can translate to a high effective annual percentage rate (APR).
  • Impact on Cash Flow: While MCAs offer flexibility in repayment, the daily deductions from credit card sales can significantly impact cash flow, especially during slow periods. Businesses may experience cash flow challenges if sales decline unexpectedly.
  • Limited Eligibility Criteria: MCAs may have stricter eligibility criteria compared to traditional loans, limiting access to businesses with strong credit card sales history or specific industries. Businesses with poor credit or low credit card sales volume may struggle to qualify.
  • Potential for Debt Cycle: Due to the high costs and daily repayment structure, some businesses may find themselves trapped in a cycle of debt with MCAs, especially if they rely on multiple advances to cover ongoing expenses.
  • Lack of Consumer Protections: MCAs are not regulated in the same way as traditional loans, leaving businesses vulnerable to predatory lending practices, unclear terms, and potential disputes with funders. It’s essential for businesses to carefully review the terms and conditions before accepting an MCA offer.


Looking for a Merchant Cash Advance? Contact New Bridge Merchant Capital Today!

Merchant Cash Advances (MCAs) have numerous advantages and disadvantages that businesses need to fully consider before moving ahead. That said, if you are prepared and know that you will be receiving numerous credit sales, a MCA can be easily managed and repaid, all the while giving you additional capital to work with.

Ready to explore the possibilities with Merchant Cash Advances (MCAs) from New Bridge Merchant Capital? Contact us today to learn more about how MCAs can provide the funding solution your business needs to thrive. Whether you’re looking to manage cash flow, fund growth initiatives, or seize new opportunities, our team is here to help. Reach out to us at 844-228-0593 or fill out the online form to get started. Let’s unlock the potential of your business together.


Financing Your Path to Success: A Comprehensive Guide to NC Small Business Loans

Financing Your Path to Success: A Comprehensive Guide to NC Small Business Loans

North Carolina’s dynamic business landscape offers fertile ground for small businesses to thrive. Understanding the financial tools available, such as Merchant Cash Advances, business lines of credit, term loans, collateralized finance, and reverse consolidation loans, is crucial for any entrepreneur looking to navigate the path to success. New Bridge Merchant Capital provides a range of these financial solutions, tailored to meet the diverse needs of North Carolina’s small businesses.

Merchant Cash Advances: Quick Access to Capital

Merchant Cash Advances (MCAs) offer a swift and flexible financing option for businesses in need of immediate funding. Especially suitable for enterprises with high credit card sales, MCAs provide funds based on future sales projections, allowing businesses to maintain cash flow during fluctuating sales periods.

Business Lines of Credit: Sustaining Cash Flow

A business line of credit provides a cushion for businesses to draw upon as needed, making it a versatile tool for managing cash flow fluctuations and unexpected expenses. This flexible financial solution allows businesses to adapt quickly to market changes and seize growth opportunities as they arise.

Term Loans: Funding Long-term Goals

Term loans are ideal for businesses planning significant investments like equipment purchases or expansions. These loans provide a lump sum of cash upfront, with a fixed repayment schedule, offering a structured approach to financing large-scale business endeavors.

Collateralized Finance: Leveraging Assets for Growth

Collateralized finance involves securing a loan against business assets, providing an avenue for businesses that might not qualify for unsecured loans. By leveraging assets, businesses can often access larger loan amounts, potentially at more favorable interest rates.

Reverse Consolidation Loans: Streamlining Debt

For businesses juggling multiple debts, reverse consolidation loans offer a strategic solution. By consolidating existing debts into a single manageable payment, businesses can simplify their financial management, focusing more on growth and less on debt.

The Application Process: Partnering with Experts

Applying for small business loans requires a comprehensive understanding of your financial situation and business objectives. Companies like New Bridge Merchant Capital assist businesses in preparing detailed financial statements and robust business plans to ensure a smooth application process and improve the chances of loan approval.

Understanding Interest Rates and Repayment Terms

Interest rates and repayment terms vary greatly among different financial products. It’s crucial to understand the total cost of borrowing, including any fees, to make an informed decision. Businesses should consider not only the immediate benefits but also the long-term impact on their finances.

The Impact of Credit History on Loan Approval

A strong credit history can significantly improve the chances of loan approval in NC. Businesses should strive to maintain a good credit score and rectify any issues before applying. However, options like MCAs provide alternatives for those with less-than-ideal credit.

Government Programs and Resources

NC businesses can also explore government-backed loans and resources, such as those offered by the Small Business Administration (SBA). These programs often have favorable terms and can be an excellent source of funding for qualifying businesses.

FAQs About NC Small Business Loans

  1. How do MCAs work for seasonal businesses? MCAs are particularly beneficial for seasonal businesses as the repayment is aligned with the business’s sales volume, offering flexibility during off-peak seasons.
  2. What should businesses consider when choosing between a line of credit and a term loan? The choice depends on the business’s financial needs. A line of credit offers flexibility for ongoing expenses, while a term loan is better suited for one-time, significant investments.
  3. Can businesses with limited assets obtain collateralized loans? While collateralized loans typically require assets, there are various financing options available for asset-light businesses, including unsecured loans and MCAs.
  4. How do reverse consolidation loans improve financial health? By consolidating multiple debts into one, reverse consolidation loans simplify debt management, potentially lower interest rates, and streamline monthly payments.


Understanding and utilizing the right financial tools is essential for the growth and sustainability of small businesses in North Carolina. From Merchant Cash Advances to term loans, there are numerous options available to suit different business needs and goals. By exploring these options and seeking expert guidance from companies like New Bridge Merchant Capital, entrepreneurs can successfully finance their path to success. Contact us today.

How to Improve Your Business Credit Score

How to Improve Your Business Credit Score

Maintaining a strong business credit score is crucial for the growth and financial health of any company. A good credit score can open doors to better financing options, lower interest rates, and favorable terms from suppliers. In this article, we’ll explore practical steps to improve your business credit score, which can be a game-changer for your business’s financial stability and growth.

Key Takeaways

  • Timely Payments: Regularly paying bills on time significantly boosts your credit score.
  • Manage Credit Utilization: Keep credit usage low to showcase financial stability.
  • Monitor Credit Reports: Regular checks can help identify and rectify errors.
  • Establish Diverse Credit Accounts: Diversify your credit portfolio with suppliers and lenders.
  • Maintain Long Credit Histories: Keep older credit accounts open to strengthen your credit history.

Understanding Business Credit Scores

Before diving into the strategies for improvement, it’s essential to understand what a business credit score is and how it’s calculated. Similar to personal credit scores, business credit scores assess the creditworthiness of a business. They are determined by factors like payment history, credit utilization, length of credit history, and public records such as bankruptcies or liens.

The Importance of a Good Business Credit Score

A strong business credit score is vital for several reasons:

  • Easier Loan Approval: Businesses with higher scores are more likely to get approved for loans, including Small Business Loans and Merchant Cash Advances.
  • Better Interest Rates: A higher score can lead to lower interest rates, saving your business money over time.
  • Supplier Trust: A good credit score builds trust with suppliers, possibly leading to better terms and credit limits.

Strategies to Improve Your Business Credit Score

1. Pay Bills on Time

Timely payment of your bills is the most straightforward way to boost your credit score. Consistent, on-time payments show lenders and suppliers that your business is reliable.

2. Reduce Credit Utilization

Aim to use a small percentage of your available credit. High credit utilization can be a red flag to creditors, indicating potential financial stress.

3. Keep Your Public Records Clean

Any liens, judgments, or bankruptcies on your public record can negatively impact your credit score. Address these issues promptly to maintain a clean record.

4. Monitor Your Credit Reports Regularly

Regularly reviewing your credit reports from major credit bureaus can help you spot errors or fraudulent activities early. If you find inaccuracies, dispute them immediately.

5. Establish Credit Accounts with Suppliers

Having multiple accounts in good standing can positively impact your credit score. Ensure you maintain a good relationship with your suppliers and make timely payments.

6. Increase Credit Limit

Requesting an increase in your credit limit (while maintaining or reducing your actual credit usage) can improve your credit utilization ratio.

7. Keep Old Credit Accounts Open

The length of your credit history impacts your score. Keep older accounts open, even if you don’t use them frequently, to maintain a longer credit history.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q1: What factors influence my business credit score?
    • A1: Your business credit score is influenced by several factors including payment history, credit utilization rate, length of credit history, types of credit, and any public records such as bankruptcies or liens.
  • Q2: How can I establish a business credit history if my business is new?
    • A2: New businesses can establish credit by opening a business credit card, securing small trade lines with suppliers, and ensuring these creditors report to the major business credit bureaus.
  • Q3: Is it possible to separate my personal and business credit scores?
    • A3: Yes, it’s possible and advisable. You can separate your personal and business credit by establishing your business as a separate legal entity and applying for business credit under the business’s name.
  • Q4: How frequently should I monitor my business credit score?
    • A4: Ideally, you should monitor your business credit score at least quarterly. This frequency allows you to stay informed about your credit status and address any issues promptly.
  • Q5: Can errors on my business credit report be disputed?
    • A5: Yes, if you find inaccuracies or errors on your business credit report, you can dispute them with the credit bureau. It’s important to provide supporting documentation to facilitate the correction process.
  • Q6: Does paying off loans early improve my business credit score?
    • A6: Paying off loans early can positively impact your credit score by reducing your credit utilization and demonstrating financial responsibility. However, it’s also important to consider how this might affect your cash flow.


Statistics on Business Credit Scores

Here’s a summary of key statistics relevant to business credit scores:

Awareness and Knowledge
  • Business owners unaware of their credit score: 45%​​.
  • Business owners unaware of how to find their credit score information: 72%​​.
  • Business owners unaware of how to interpret their credit score: 82%​​.
  • Owners understanding their score more likely to be approved for bank loans: 41% more likely​​.
Credit Status and Usage
  • Small business owners as credit ‘ghosts’: 39%​​.
  • Small firms using financing in the last year: 73%​​.
  • Small business owners with a personal credit card: 73%​​.
  • Personal credit card used for business funding: 61%​​.
  • Business owners without business credit believing a card would positively impact their business: 90%​​.
  • Small business owners wanting to improve their credit: 88%​​.
Financing and Credit Applications
  • Nonemployer firms applying for financing in the previous year: 32%​​.
  • Approval rate for some type of financing: 59%​​.
  • Smaller firms’ approval rate: 52%​​.
  • Nonemployer firms not approved for the financing they sought: 41%​​.
  • Reasons for financing denial: Low credit scores, lack of collateral​​.
Startup Capital Sources (2012)
  • Personal savings: 57%​​.
  • Personal credit card: 8%​​.
  • Bank loan: 8%​​.
  • Other personal assets: 6%​​.
  • Home equity: 3%​​.
  • Business credit card: 2%​​.
Differences by Race
  • Black small business owners lacking both personal and business credit cards: 31%​​.
  • White small business owners lacking both types of cards: 12%​​.
  • Higher rate of denial for credit cards for Black owners: Significantly higher​​.


Improving your business credit score is a gradual process that requires consistent effort. By following these strategies, you can enhance your score, which can lead to better financial opportunities for your business.

At New Bridge Merchant Capital, we understand the importance of a strong business credit score. We offer a variety of financial solutions tailored to the needs of different industries. Whether you’re looking for a Small Business Loan, Merchant Cash Advance, or other financial products, our team is here to help. With an easy and fast application process, we make accessing the financial support your business needs straightforward and hassle-free.

Comparing Different Types of Small Business Loans

Table: Comparison of Different Types of Small Business Loans Loan Type Description Pros Cons Term Loans A lump sum borrowed and repaid over a fixed period with interest. Predictable payments, various term lengths. Fixed repayment schedule, interest costs. Lines of Credit A revolving credit limit to borrow as needed. Flexibility, only pay interest on borrowed amount. Variable interest rates, potential for overspending. Merchant Cash Advances Advance based on daily sales, repaid as a percentage of sales. Quick access to cash, flexible repayments. Can be expensive, daily repayments. Comparing Different Types of Small Business Loans

Have you ever been in a position where you need some financial assistance to push your business forward, but you’re not sure which loan to go for? Well, you’re not alone. Today, we’ll dive deep into comparing different types of small business loans to help you make an informed choice. Let’s break it down, step by step, so you can get the best for your business!

Key Takeaways:

  1. Understanding Your Options:
    • Small business owners have various loan options, including term loans, lines of credit, merchant cash advances, and equipment financing. Each has its unique features and benefits.
  2. Repayment Terms:
    • Assess the repayment terms carefully. Some loans offer flexibility, while others have fixed repayment schedules. Ensure the terms align with your business’s cash flow.
  3. Interest Rates:
    • Interest rates are a significant factor in the total cost of the loan. Evaluate the rates and consider how they fit into your business’s financial plan.
  4. Loan Amounts:
    • Determine the exact amount you need to avoid over-borrowing or under-borrowing. Consider your business’s specific needs and financial projections.
  5. Expert Guidance:
  6. Contact for Assistance:
    • Reach out to New Bridge Merchant Capital at 844-228-0593 for personalized advice and guidance on choosing the right small business loan tailored to your specific needs and financial standing.

Introduction to Small Business Loans

Just like a car needs fuel to move, businesses sometimes need a financial boost to grow, invest in new ventures, or manage cash flow. This ‘boost’ often comes in the form of small business loans.

Why Choose New Bridge Merchant Capital?

While there are numerous lenders out there, at New Bridge Merchant Capital, we’re committed to guiding you through the maze of options. Plus, our fresh digital platform, even though on a new domain, emphasizes premier SEO, ensuring you get up-to-date and easy-to-understand information.

Key Factors in Choosing a Business Loan

Before delving into the various types of small business loans available, it’s imperative to consider several key factors that will significantly impact your decision. Much like how you carefully evaluate a major life decision, choosing the right business loan involves weighing the following critical aspects:

Repayment Terms:

Think of repayment terms as the commitment you’re making to the lender, akin to a relationship. It’s essential to determine how long you’re willing and able to be committed to repaying the loan. Some loans require quick payback, which can put a strain on your cash flow, while others offer more extended repayment terms, allowing for more manageable monthly payments over time.

Interest Rates:

Interest rates are the ‘price’ you pay for borrowing money. In general, lower interest rates are preferred, as they translate to lower overall borrowing costs. However, it’s essential to understand that the interest rate you qualify for can depend on various factors, including the type of loan and your business’s financial health. Therefore, it’s crucial to consider how the interest rate aligns with your budget and business plan.

Loan Amounts:

Determining the precise amount you need to borrow is another critical factor. It’s tempting to borrow more than necessary, but doing so can lead to unnecessary debt burdens. Conversely, borrowing too little might not provide the financial boost your business requires. Carefully assess your business’s needs and financial projections to determine the optimal loan amount. Remember that responsible borrowing is key to long-term financial health.

Types of Small Business Loans

Now that we’ve established the fundamental factors to consider, let’s explore the various types of small business loans available:

Term Loans:

Term loans are akin to your traditional loans. When you opt for a term loan, you borrow a lump sum of money and agree to repay it over a predefined period, typically with interest. It’s comparable to buying a durable asset like a jacket – you pay for it once and enjoy its benefits over time. Term loans are suitable for various business needs, such as expansion, inventory purchase, or refinancing existing debt.

Lines of Credit:

A line of credit acts as a financial safety net for your business. With a predetermined credit limit, you can borrow funds as needed. The advantage here is that you only pay interest on the amount you borrow. It’s like having a financial cushion that allows you to address unexpected expenses or capitalize on opportunities without committing to a fixed loan amount.

Merchant Cash Advances:

For businesses with consistent daily sales, merchant cash advances provide a unique financing option. Here, you receive an advance based on your daily credit card sales, and repayments are automatically deducted as a percentage of your daily sales. Think of it as a mutually beneficial partnership where both you and the lender benefit from your daily revenue.

Equipment Financing:

If your business requires specific equipment or assets to operate or expand, equipment financing can be a tailored solution. This type of loan is designed for purchasing equipment, and the equipment itself often serves as collateral. It’s like taking out a loan specifically to acquire the tools you need, whether it’s machinery for manufacturing or kitchen appliances for a restaurant.

Making the Right Choice for Your Business

In conclusion, every business is unique, much like selecting a pair of shoes – what fits one may not be suitable for another. To make the best choice among these small business loan options, it’s imperative to thoroughly understand your business’s needs, evaluate your current financial standing, and carefully weigh these factors against the types of loans available.

Remember that making an informed decision is paramount to ensuring that the loan you choose aligns with your business goals and doesn’t strain your financial resources.

Comparison of Different Types of Small Business Loans

Loan TypeDescriptionProsCons
Term LoansA lump sum borrowed and repaid over a fixed period with interest.Predictable payments, various term lengths.Fixed repayment schedule, interest costs.
Lines of CreditA revolving credit limit to borrow as needed.Flexibility, only pay interest on borrowed amount.Variable interest rates, potential for overspending.
Merchant Cash AdvancesAdvance based on daily sales, repaid as a percentage of sales.Quick access to cash, flexible repayments.Can be expensive, daily repayments.
Equipment FinancingLoans specifically for purchasing business equipment.Equipment as collateral, potential tax benefits.Limited to equipment purchases, collateral required.



In the vast landscape of small business loans, making the right choice can be challenging, but it’s not insurmountable. The key to success lies in understanding your business’s unique requirements and seeking guidance from trusted sources like New Bridge Merchant Capital. With the right information and expert advice, you’ll be well-equipped to make the best choice and drive your business forward with confidence.

Frequently Asked Questions

Term loans are quite popular due to their straightforward nature. They offer a lump sum of money with a fixed repayment schedule, making them a reliable choice for many businesses.

Determining the right loan for your business involves assessing your specific needs, understanding your financial health, and seeking guidance from experts like New Bridge Merchant Capital. They can provide personalized advice based on your unique circumstances.

Yes, it's possible to have multiple types of loans, depending on your business's financial standing and requirements. However, managing multiple loans requires careful financial planning to ensure you can meet your repayment obligations.

No, in addition to interest rates, there may be other fees associated with a loan, such as origination fees, service charges, or late payment penalties. It's crucial to review the loan terms carefully to understand the complete cost structure.

You can easily reach out to New Bridge Merchant Capital for expert advice by calling 844-228-0593. Their team of professionals is ready to assist you in making informed decisions regarding your business financing needs.

Key Industry Statistics About Merchant Cash Advances

Key Industry Statistics About Merchant Cash Advances

Merchant cash advances (MCAs) are quick funding solutions small business owners can obtain based almost exclusively on their credit card sales. Once approved, the lender will deposit the advance into your business checking account in one lump sum. In turn, the cash advance provider will receive a percentage of future credit card sales until you fully amortize the loan.

This raises some questions, which is why this article examines the latest industry trends and statistics surrounding cash advances to offer valuable insight into the current business borrowing landscape. Toward the end, we will also explore a few popular alternatives to merchant cash advances to give you a better sense of the wider range of alternative financing options.


The Latest MCA Market Trends


The Latest MCA Market Trends

Merchant cash advances have experienced significant growth in recent years, with the market estimated to be $19 billion in 2021. This figure marks a substantial increase from $8 billion just five years ago. The considerable uptick in MCA loan origination underscores the growing popularity of this financing option among small businesses, and many analysts expect this segment to only continue expanding.

According to a study conducted by the Federal Reserve, the approval rate for merchant cash advances in 2020 was an unprecedented 84 percent. This statistic further evidences merchant cash advances as one of the most favorable lending options for small businesses, with approval rates closely rivaling those of equipment loans. In contrast, traditional business loans have a much lower approval rate at only 57 percent.

Interest rates for merchant cash advances have been consistently decreasing, as well. MCA rates are finally starting to compete against the more conventional lending solutions. However, the actual interest rate you’ll receive depends on several factors, including your sales, credit history, length of operation, and location. In addition, rates and fees can vary considerably from lender to lender, so researching and selecting the right MCA provider are essential.

Thanks to increased industry regulations, New Jersey small businesses are better protected against predatory practices that once stigmatized MCA loans. Nonetheless, even with the added oversight, exploring all your financing options before accepting a merchant cash advance offer remains important.

Despite the regulations, bad-faith actors can still find ways to target and exploit unsuspecting business owners. Nevertheless, after practicing due diligence during the lender selection process and comparing multiple offers, there’s no reason why you can’t benefit from a merchant cash advance in NJ.

One of the key advantages of MCAs is the streamlined application process that can facilitated in person or online. Depending on your business’s financial health, in many cases, you can expect to have funds deposited into your business bank account in as little as 24 hours after applying.

Of course, this processing time starkly contrasts the often time-consuming and complex application process associated with traditional bank loans. This speed and simplicity can provide small businesses with the immediate funding they need to seize opportunities or address urgent financial needs.

Perhaps the most attractive feature of merchant cash advances is that they do not require businesses to sell their equity in exchange for funding. Instead, the lender will collect a specified portion of your credit card sales until you fully repay the debt. This arrangement allows you to maintain full ownership and control over your operations while still benefiting from the capital injection you need.

Merchant cash advances have undoubtedly become a popular financing option for small businesses in recent years, with a significant increase in market size and a high approval rate. The declining interest rates, coupled with improved regulations, provide companies with more favorable terms and enhanced protection against predatory lending practices.

The streamlined application process offered by alternative small business lenders ensures quick access to funds, and your company can secure financing without sacrificing equity or staking valuable assets as collateral. After conducting a thorough research assessment to find the right provider, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t encounter a favorable merchant cash advance agreement to help you meet your objectives.

Why Restaurants Should Consider Merchant Cash Advances as Working Capital Solutions

Popular Alternatives to MCAs

If you’re unsure if an MCA is right for your application, you’ll encounter several viable alternatives to merchant cash advances that could be better suited to your requirements. One such option is invoice financing. This type of funding involves selling your accounts receivable to a third party at a discount. Invoice financing can provide your business with immediate cash flow, allowing you to access funds that would otherwise be tied up in unpaid invoices.

If your business is in need of new equipment, equipment financing may be a viable solution. With this type of financing, lenders will provide you with a loan specifically for the purpose of purchasing new equipment. The equipment itself serves as collateral for the loan, making it an attractive option for businesses looking to upgrade their industrial machinery.

For established small businesses with a track record of decent and steady sales, a business line of credit could be a good fit. This type of financing provides you with a revolving line of credit that you can draw from as needed. It can be a flexible solution for managing cash flow and meeting short-term funding needs.

In addition to these options, it is also worth exploring other small business lending options like government grants and SBA loans. The Small Business Administration, or SBA, is a valuable resource for finding information on these programs, but loan processing times can be lengthy.

Key Industry Statistics About Merchant Cash Advances


– Notes
Market Size
$19 Billion 2021 – Up from $8 Billion in 2016
Approval Rate
84% 2020 – Federal Reserve Study
Average Interest Rate
Varies 2021 – Depends on multiple factors
Traditional Business Loan Approval Rate
57% 2020 – For comparison
Time to Funding
As little as 24 hours 2021 – Streamlined application process
Regulatory Oversight
Improved 2021 – New Jersey regulations protect against predatory practices


Getting Approved for a Merchant Cash Advance in New Jersey

In light of these recent trends, it is crucial for businesses to explore all their lending options and find the solution that best meets their needs. New Bridge Merchant Capital is committed to providing personalized lending solutions to businesses of all sizes across virtually every industry.

Whether you are a small startup looking for funding to grow your business or an established company that needs to supplement its cash flow, New Bridge Merchant Capital has the expertise and resources to help your business thrive.

Reach out to one of our experienced business lending consultants today to discuss your requirements and explore all your available borrowing options. You can also conveniently apply online to start the loan process now or give us a call at 844-228-0593. Don’t miss this opportunity to jump-start your business with the extra working capital it needs to succeed.

How Do You Know if a Merchant Cash Advance Is Right for Your Business?

Merchant cash advances (MCAs) can provide immediate capital to small businesses facing cash-flow shortages or time-sensitive short-term expenses. While the approval process for this financing option is relatively hassle-free, MCAs often come with a higher annual percentage rate (APR) than other more conventional working capital solutions. For this reason, business owners considering a merchant cash advance in New Jersey should compare all their financing options and carefully evaluate whether it is the right solution for their organization.

To avoid a potentially burdensome cycle of debt, we advise that customers thoroughly explore every alternative small-business loan option before settling on a merchant cash advance in NJ. To help you make an informed decision about which small business funding option is most suitable for your company, this article takes a comprehensive look at the mechanics of merchant cash advances, their operational dynamics, and key considerations to bear in mind when selecting this financing method.

What Is a Merchant Cash Advance?

A merchant cash advance is a popular financing solution provided by an alternative lender, which is to say, it differs from a conventional bank loan. In an MCA arrangement, the prospective provider examines your credit card sales receipts to determine the amount you need and can feasibly repay.

Once you enter into a contract with an MCA lender, the agreement will specify the disbursement amount along with the applicable interest rates. It is worth noting that interest rates can vary substantially between the different MCA providers in New Jersey, so paying attention to borrowing costs in any MCA loan offer is essential.

Your business’s location also plays a significant role in determining the final amount you will have to pay back. This is because certain states impose regulations that restrict the maximum interest rates MCA lenders can charge. As such, try to familiarize yourself with the specific laws and regulations regarding MCA interest rates in your respective state before entering into a final agreement.

Since interest rates often vary drastically between lenders, you should carefully review and compare offers to ensure you find the best available terms. The MCA repayment structure, which deducts a percentage of your daily credit card sales, means that meeting all your existing obligations during slower periods could be a challenge. So, before opting for this type of financing, thoroughly analyze the potential impact on cash flow and consider how the loan aligns with your overall growth strategy.

The SMB Merchant Cash Advance Guide

The MCA Lender Buying Process Explained

Before working with any of the various merchant cash advance companies in New Jersey, you should first understand the lender buying process. When you enter into an agreement with an MCA creditor, the provider is effectively purchasing your future sales transactions. This unique approach to lending allows businesses to access the funds they need quickly and without having to jump through all the hoops of taking a conventional loan.

Unlike traditional bank loans, MCA creditors focus almost exclusively on your sales as a determining factor for eligibility. The lender carefully assesses your credit card transaction history to determine whether or not you qualify for their services. This means that even with a less-than-perfect credit score, you may still find yourself eligible for an MCA. By placing emphasis on your sales, MCA lenders give low-asset-and-credit businesses the opportunity to access the funding they need to grow, regardless of previous financial setbacks.

Among the key advantages of opting for an MCA is the ability to swiftly secure a much-needed cash infusion. Consider this scenario: you own a thriving restaurant, but unexpectedly, water damage occurs. You start scrambling for funds to address the issue because your cash reserves are limited. MCA lending could be the solution you need in this situation. By leveraging your future sales, an MCA enables you to raise the necessary funding swiftly to cover your unexpected repair costs.

Merchant Cash Advances Explained

Merchant Cash Advances Explained

When considering a merchant cash advance (MCA) for your business, understanding that this financing type is not simply a money grab with no obligations or strings attached is crucial. While the approval process for an MCA is not as rigorous as that of a traditional loan, there are still contractual stipulations to be aware of.

Another vital aspect to consider is the advance amount. This is the agreed-upon sum lenders supply as the merchant cash advance. Carefully assessing your business needs and requesting the exact amount required is crucial. Seeking more funds than you need will only result in a higher repayment amount that you might not be able to afford during slower times.

Advance amounts can vary considerably, too. They can be either less than, equal to, or greater than your monthly sales. The deciding factor should be the amount necessary to support the growth and success of your business, as well as your comfort level in repaying your daily earnings back to the creditor.

The repayment figure in the MCA contract will be higher than the advance amount. In addition to the upfront money provided, an MCA lender charges what’s known as a factor fee. The factor is an additional cost on top of the advance. Understanding the factor amount is vital because this sum can be significantly higher than the interest rate on other business funding options you might qualify for.

With that, the importance of fully comprehending your MCA’s cost breakdown before committing to an agreement should never be underestimated. Review the proposed contract with a fine-toothed comb so you understand all the terms and conditions associated with your MCA. Familiarize yourself with the repayment schedule, potential penalties or fees for early repayment, and any other provisions outlined in the agreement. Seek legal or professional financial advice if you’re struggling to grasp all the implications and obligations of the contract.

Regardless of their known shortcomings, however, merchant cash advances are among the most valuable financing options for small businesses requiring quick access to capital without the lengthy approval process of a traditional bank loan. MCA loans for bad credit borrowers can be an effective way to re-establish themselves in the business lending ecosystem. Just remember to carefully assess your requirements, thoroughly review all contract terms, and evaluate your cash flows before deciding if an MCA is a suitable solution for supporting your long-term growth and success.

How Much Do Merchant Cash Advances Cost?

The costs associated with a merchant cash advance vary depending on several factors. How much you’ll ultimately pay depends on the MCA provider, the agreed-upon terms and conditions, and the state in which your business operates. Moreover, selecting the right MCA provider is crucial for establishing total borrowing costs. Taking the extra time to identify a reputable and cost-effective MCA provider can go a long way in reducing your overall costs to secure the funds.

The terms and conditions agreed upon between the business and the MCA provider will also influence the overall cost of the advance. These terms typically include the total loan amount, repayment period, and factor rate or holdback percentage. The factor rate is the multiplier applied to the advance amount, determining the total repayment amount. The holdback percentage is the portion of your daily sales deducted for repayment. Carefully reviewing and clarifying these terms with the MCA provider will safeguard you from paying unnecessarily high fees or interest.

Finally, as mentioned, the state in which your business operates can affect the cost of MCAs. The different regulatory bodies have their own restrictions that impact the fees and interest rates charged by MCA providers. Some states have stricter regulations that ban specific practices, while others have looser guidelines that often result in higher costs.

The Pros and Cons of MCAs

Small businesses with challenged credit that fast cash tend to benefit the most from merchant cash advance solutions. While the appeal of quickly acquiring the funds necessary for business projects or improvements can be significant, you’ll need to consider the pros and cons before signing the dotted line.

One of the most significant advantages of MCAs is the speed at which you can obtain the funds. Small businesses with urgent financial needs can benefit greatly from the fast turnaround time. Whether it’s for expanding your operations, purchasing inventory, or launching a marketing campaign, MCAs provide quick access to necessary working capital. This is particularly beneficial in situations where time is of the essence, and there’s not enough leeway to complete a traditional loan application.

Another advantage is that MCAs don’t require collateral as security for the loan. This is a relief for small businesses with limited assets. Furthermore, while a lender may still review the business owner’s credit score, MCAs are generally more forgiving to companies with delinquent payment histories. Therefore, small business owners who may have difficulty securing traditional financing options can still access the funds they need through MCAs.

Another advantage of MCAs is the flexibility they offer in terms of repayment. Unlike traditional loans with fixed monthly installments, MCAs typically allow for daily holdbacks based on a percentage of the business’s future debit and credit card sales. This means that during periods of slow sales, the repayment amount adjusts accordingly. This flexibility is a significant advantage, especially for businesses experiencing seasonal fluctuations in revenue.

On the downside, the potential impact on monthly revenue during extreme periods of low sales can be significant. Repayment costs may put you in the red, concerning your operating funds, especially after an unexpected financial shortfall. Give careful consideration as to whether the additional expense of repayment outweighs the benefits of obtaining quick cash.

Another potential drawback is the lack of regulation for MCAs. The lack of regulatory oversight can lead to higher factor rates compared to the interest rates associated with other bank loan types. This can potentially create financial difficulties for small businesses in the future, assuming the repayment amount becomes more than they can afford. Additionally, MCAs typically have shorter payback periods compared to traditional loans. The shorter terms can add pressure to business owners who may be dealing with limited cash flow.

Which Types of Businesses Benefit from Merchant Cash Advances the Most?



What Is an MCA?
A financing solution provided by alternative lenders. It’s based on your credit card sales receipts.
Approval Process
Relatively quick and hassle-free compared to traditional loans.
Interest Rates
Often higher than traditional loans. Vary between MCA providers.
Repayment Structure
Deducts a percentage of your daily credit card sales.
Vary by state; some states have caps on interest rates.
Focuses on sales history rather than credit score.
Quick access to capital, no need for collateral, flexible repayment.
High interest rates, potential impact on cash flow, lack of regulation.
Suitable For
Small businesses needing quick capital and those with less-than-perfect credit.
Not Suitable For
Businesses that have shut down operations due to a major disaster.
Alternative Financing Options
Traditional bank loans, SBA loans, business revolving line of credit, equipment financing, inventory financing.


Key Considerations
  • Cost: Understand the factor rate and holdback percentage.
  • Terms: Review the contract thoroughly.
  • State Regulations: Be aware of state-specific laws affecting MCAs.
  • Repayment: Consider the impact on cash flow, especially during slow periods.

Which Types of Businesses Benefit from Merchant Cash Advances the Most?

Merchant cash advances tend to benefit small businesses that require additional funding to enhance their competitiveness and overall functionality. While traditional bank loans may not always be accessible to all small businesses for various reasons, merchant cash advances offer a flexible and accessible alternative. Whether it’s investing in upgrading technology, expanding marketing efforts, or renovating the physical space, a merchant cash advance can provide the fast capital necessary to execute your strategic growth initiatives.

However, it is worth noting that merchant cash advances may not be ideal for businesses that have experienced a major disaster leading to a complete operational shutdown. In such cases, seeking assistance through traditional bank loans or grants would be more suitable, as these options do not typically require your company to continue its daily transactions to pay down the loan.

While merchant cash advances are often an invaluable financing option for many, it is always wise to explore other alternatives. For businesses seeking other means of financing, the lending consultants at New Bridge Merchant Capital can provide a comprehensive overview of all available options. We can help you compare the various financing solutions and select the one that best aligns with your specific goals and unique requirements.

Businesses That Benefit from Merchant Cash Advances

  • Agricultural Businesses
  • Automotive Repair Shops
  • Beauty and Personal Care Salons
  • Construction Companies
  • E-commerce Businesses
  • Event Planners and Catering Services
  • Franchise Owners: Freelancers and Independent Contractors
  • Healthcare Providers
  • Restaurants and Bars
  • Retail Businesses
  • Seasonal Businesses
  • Start-ups and Small Businesses
  • Tourism and Hospitality Businesses
  • Transportation and Logistics Companies
  • Wholesalers and Distributors

Need More Information on Merchant Cash Advances in NJ?

Deciding if a merchant cash advance is the right funding solution for your business requires careful consideration of each factor discussed above. After assessing your cash flow needs, revenue projections, and repayment capabilities, you should be able to determine if the benefits outweigh the costs. Comparing the convenience and flexibility of a merchant cash advance against the higher fees and potential impact on your cash flow is vital.

If you are still unsure as to whether a merchant cash advance is a suitable option for your business, connect with an experienced loan consultant at New Bridge Merchant Capital today. Our seasoned finance professionals can provide additional advice tailored to your specific business needs and help you make the right lending decision. For more information on pricing, apply online or contact New Bridge Merchant Capital now at 844-228-0593.

Secondary Business Financing: The Risks, Alternatives, and How to Make an Informed Decision

Should You Take Out a Second Business Loan?

Should You Take Out a Second Business Loan?

Making an informed decision about your second business loan will undeniably have a long-lasting impact on the growth and success of your company. Second business loan origination, also known as loan stacking or piggyback loans, describes the process of taking out secondary secured or unsecured business financing in addition to the loan product you currently have.

While most savvy business owners are aware of the potential risks of opening multiple loan accounts, it is still worth reiterating which secondary loan products could be beneficial. Discussing other viable alternatives to opening another loan is valuable, as well. The following information will help you make the best choice when it comes to evaluating how to support the financial health and profitability of your business.

In this article, we will discuss the risks associated with second business loans, potential alternatives to taking out another loan when you have an existing one, and how to make an educated decision on whether secondary business financing is right for your business.

What are second business loans?

Second loans are relatively common among business owners seeking to expand, restructure, or take advantage of new business opportunities. Opening a new loan account on top of the one you already have can provide the necessary working capital for entrepreneurs facing financial shortfalls, cash flow challenges, and time-sensitive opportunities.

Several secondary business lending products can supply the extra boost your organization needs to realize its growth potential. However, since it carries various risks that could damage a company’s fiscal health, whenever you take on additional business debt, this decision should never be taken lightly.

Opening another loan account demands careful consideration because it could disrupt your financial stability if you make the wrong choice. It’s not uncommon for businesses that feel like they need additional funding to land themselves in the wrong financial product that strains their ability to repay their existing loans while keeping up with another payment schedule and interest rate.

Moreover, failure to repay this new loan could lead to significant financial losses, due to the added expenses, potential late penalties, and loan origination fees. Remember, your second loan’s pricing is premised upon your credit rating and the overall financial health of your business, making the loan more costly if you overextend your debt or haven’t been keeping up with your existing payments.

Before making any decision to take out a second business loan, entrepreneurs should also assess the various alternatives. You should first consider whether or not can safely utilize existing capital, available credit lines, or your other loan accounts, since this option could prove less expensive in the long run. One such viable alternative may include applying for governmental programs or restructuring your current loans in a refinance to improve the terms.

Regardless of whether you decide to take out a loan or an alternative, exercising caution is crucial. Before making the decision, ensure that you understand the repayment terms, interest rates, length of term, and total costs of the loan. Thoroughly researching a prospective loan product and consulting a trusted business lending consultant is essential. Ensure that you understand the financial benefits of the loan before signing any agreement, and the terms should be tailored to your company’s specific needs and abilities to repay in full.

For entrepreneurs to make an informed decision on whether a second business loan is the right option, they should assess their overall situation and available alternatives. Familiarizing yourself with the tangible risks a second loan could pose to their business is equally important.

When you thoroughly research all terms and conditions and understand the repayment structure and potential hidden costs associated with the loan, you’ll be in a much better position to benefit from a second loan product. This approach ultimately helps you make the most informed decision possible on whether taking out a second business loan is the best path for your organization.

Can I get a second loan?

Can I get a second loan?

When your business needs fast capital, and you already have an existing loan your only option may be to apply for secondary business financing. Of course, this is not always the most financially wise decision, so considering the consequences before applying is vital. To get approved for a second loan, you must qualify by evidencing a solid financial history and meeting certain criteria.

When considering a second loan, the first step is to review credit reports from all three of the major credit bureaus: Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion for personal credit scores and the Dun & Bradstreet PAYDEX score in the case of your business credit profile, if you have one. Since lenders base loan approval decisions upon personal and business credit scores, ensuring accurate reporting information is crucial. Any discrepancies in your report should be addressed before submitting a new application.

You should also carefully analyze the type of loan for which you’re applying. In most cases, you’ll have the option of choosing between secured and unsecured loans. Unsecured loans are generally more difficult to qualify for and often come with steeper interest rates. Secured loans, on the other hand, require collateral, but you don’t always need perfect credit, and they typically come with more favorable pricing.

Borrowers should, likewise, be prepared to provide financial information to the lender, such as profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and tax returns. Creditors also require personal information, such as names, addresses, dates of birth, and Social Security numbers for all business owners. Lenders, depending on the circumstances often request additional information, such as a business plan and/or collateral.

Once your application process is complete and the lender has approved the loan request, the borrower will either receive the loan funds directly or through a third party. The repayment terms vary based on the loan amount and product type, so borrowers should ensure that they read and understand all of the relevant loan documentation before signing any agreement.

When deciding if a second business loan is a suitable next step, be sure to consider all of your options carefully. There are advantages and disadvantages to taking out a second business loan; but, with proper research and planning, businesses are all but assured to secure the necessary funds at a reasonable cost.

What are the risks associated with stacking small business loans?

When you cannot obtain adequate funding through traditional avenues, you might find stacking your business loans to finance your operations is always a viable option. And while it can be beneficial to certain businesses, be aware that there are a few potential risks and pitfalls to consider before signing onto a secondary business loan.

One such risk is having too much debt. Businesses that take on multiple loans, each with their own interest rates and repayment terms, can quickly find themselves in a financially precarious position. You want to ensure that the new debt burden won’t become unsustainable. Additionally, businesses should be mindful of their credit health, since multiple loan inquiries and new debt can negatively impact future borrowing capabilities.

Accumulating excessive debt may also lead to less-than-optimal cash flow performance. When you take out different loans from competing lenders, you will find yourself dealing with multiple loan payments with varying due dates. While this is often overlooked, having more than one due date can throw your cash flow out of whack, potentially making it difficult to cover your operating expenses.

Another risk small business owners should be aware of is what might happen in the event of a loan default. When you open more than one loan, this increases the likelihood of falling behind on at least one account. Defaulting on any business loan can have devastating consequences, including a call for full repayment, loss of collateral, legal action, and damage to their credit score. This is why a proper risk assessment before taking any secondary business financing is essential.

Finally, be aware that servicing multiple business loans can lengthen the amount of time you stay in debt. Carrying multiple loan obligations to different lenders with varying terms usually reduces the business’ ability to quickly pay off its debts. If you are extending repayment terms, this decision should be analyzed carefully before committing to a second business or third loan account.

Stacking your business loans offers you the opportunity to access the funds you need, but, as a business owner, you should carefully examine the potential risks associated with this approach. Look at the new debt burden, cash flow demands, potential for default, and the total repayment timeline before deciding if a second business loan is a suitable fit for your organization.

How many business loans can you have at once?

How many business loans can you have at once?

How many business loans can you get? The answer is that it depends. The number of business loans you can hold at one time depends on several factors. The main considerations include your credit score, the amount of capital you have available to invest in the venture, the size of the loan, and the industry you are in. Many lenders will not offer more than one loan to a single borrower. This is due to the increased risk for the lender and the potential for default.

The business lending industry follows generally accepted guidelines for piggyback loans, which are multiple loans taken out on the same collateral within a specific timeframe. The Centers for Industry Research and Standards (CIRS) notes that piggyback loans should not exceed 75% of the collateral’s value. For example, if your collateral is a building worth $2,000,000, the maximum loan amount is $1,500,000. The remaining $500,000 may be used to secure additional financing from other lenders.

As a borrower, consider the total cost of all the loans when planning your business financing strategy. Secondary loans can be a great way to make use of the value of existing assets, but they can also be costly in terms of interest payments. Remember to research and calculate the total cost before taking out multiple loans.

The lending industry follows specific criteria for secondary loan limits. Generally speaking, lenders will not allow a single borrower to have more than three loans at one time. Depending on the amount of the loans, your FICO and DUNS scores, and the creditworthiness of your industry, taking out three loans or more is entirely possible.

Whichever the case, we advise that you consult with an experienced business lending advisor before taking out multiple loans. Since there are numerous factors to consider, a seasoned loan consultant familiar with your industry can give you a better sense of the risks associated with taking out multiple loans and help you plan a reliable long-term growth strategy.

In addition to the loan limit, being aware of the regulations in your state and industry is critical. Some states have specific laws governing the number of loans a single borrower can have at any given time. Before taking out any new secondary financing, refer to your local regulatory guidelines to ensure compliance with all the necessary lending standards.

The most common types of second business loans

The need for additional business financing usually arises after business owners have already leveraged popular options such as conventional bank loans and credit cards. While these are often the go-to choices for business owners, there are several other loan types that shouldn’t be overlooked when you need additional funding. The four most common second business loan types are merchant cash advances, invoice factoring, equipment financing, and business lines of credit.

A merchant cash advance is one of the most common second loan types available and allows for a business to borrow a pre-determined amount of money in exchange for a percentage of future sales. Invoice factoring doesn’t just offer businesses an influx of immediate cash. It also allows the time that would normally be spent chasing down late payments to be focused on other more productive tasks.

Equipment financing options are beneficial when large purchases are necessary as they allow companies to buy now and pay later. Lastly, a business line of credit loan is an effective business finance tool since it lets a business borrow and lend as needed—up to a specified limit or amount.

Considering all of your available options for second business loans?

Connect with New Bridge Merchant Capital business lending consultant today to ensure you receive the best possible terms on your secondary financing. New Bridge Merchant Capital equips companies like yours with the expert advice and premium lending services you need to ensure you make the right decision before opening a second business loan account.

Apply online today, or contact us now at 844-228-0593 to learn more about pricing and our secondary business loan services.